Looking at such righteous words, a pair of Wang Ruoxue who wants to sue himself at any time. If it had not been known clearly in advance and the evidence was conclusive, Wang Jue felt that he would almost believe it.

"Oh? What kind of explanation do you want?" Wang Jue looked at her quietly.

"My reputation has been damaged, and this is a great insult to me. I am also a member of Mensa and was invited to train. Mensa didn't give me due protection. Now I am humiliated, so it's not too much for me to ask Mensa to make an apology to me publicly?" Wang Ruoxue also acted on her own words and thought that Wang Jue had no conclusive evidence.

"Well, not too much, really not too much! Is there anything else?" Wang Jue still affirmed.

"What else? Also, since this is because of Yang Ruoyu, I was misunderstood and my reputation was damaged, should Yang Ruoyu also compensate me? Of course, she is also a victim, and I sympathize with her. I won't ask too much and just give up our previous gambling agreement." Wang Ruoyu took the opportunity to ask for breaking the agreement.

"Oh, what a beautiful thought! Why should we make a stupid bet? Can't you afford to lose?" Tong Lele despised Wang Ruoxue and said.

"Just because I was misunderstood and harmed people, it was caused by Yang Ruoyu!" Wang Ruoxue righteously turned back.

At this time, Wang Jue said again, "Oh? Is it really misunderstood? Tang Hui, you might as well talk about it?"

"I... I don't know anything!" Tang Hui was suddenly named and stood up with some guilty denial.

"Tang Hui! Did miss Ben find you? Did miss Ben ask you to harm Yang Ruoyu?" Wang Ruoxue looked at Tang Hui in a heavy tone.

Tang Hui looked at Wang Ruoxue nervously. When he saw Wang Ruoxue talking, his fingers pointed up quietly. Tang Hui immediately understood that this was a sign for him to climb higher. Don't forget the promised high position and high salary, and know what to say and what not to say.

"No, no! Miss Wang Ruoxue has never asked me or given me fruit juice." Tang Hui flatly denied the two questions asked by Wang Ruoxue.

"Oh? Really? But the bottle of juice in Yang Ruoyu's hand was indeed given to her by you. Don't you deny it? Many people saw it at that time! Since you said Wang ruoyue didn't give it to you, where did you get this bottle of juice?" Wang Jue was not in a hurry and continued to ask Tang Hui.

"I really gave that bottle of juice to my primary school sister, which I don't deny. But I really don't know that it was added. I bought that bottle of juice casually in the store. I like my primary school sister, so I've been trying to get close to her and take care of her as much as possible. I'm afraid she's thirsty. It's normal to buy a drink for her!" Tang Hui calmed down, That's reasonable.

"Bah! You're such a person. It's good to say you like it! Don't disgust my stupid sister! Your love, my stupid sister can't afford it! If you like it more, I'll lose my life!" Gu Sinian was disgusted by Tang Hui's fake model. Knowing the truth, he couldn't help scolding.

"I said President, some people just don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin! There's really no need to give them another chance! Do you think they can be saved? You'd better deal with it happily to save everyone's time." Gu Sinian said bluntly, looking at the president Wang Jue on the stage.


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