After the parents arrived, because the servant had not gone far, Wang Jill pretended to be normal, happily shared with her parents, and said that her and Wang Ruoxue would go abroad to compete.

After the servant left, she immediately closed the door and took her parents to the bedroom.

She whispered to her parents that something had happened, but she didn't have time to explain. They had to leave with her immediately. If it was late, their family would die.

Wang Ji'er's parents were still hesitant. As soon as they heard that the whole family would die, they were immediately afraid.

In this way, Wang Jill let her parents keep their normal appearance. First go back and hide their certificates in their arms, and then don't take anything else. She went out first and asked them to take their certificates and go out to find her. If she met someone else, she said she was going to go abroad for a competition. She couldn't see her for a long time. She went out to see her off.

Sure enough, according to the plan, Wang Jill escaped from the Wang family with her parents, which can be regarded as escaping from the imprisonment.

When Wang Jill's car just left the Wang family, the Wang family received the news that Wang Ruoxue was taken away by the police



China Mensa headquarters.

At the moment, Li Shuzheng is very serious and solemnly telling the eight players who will play on behalf of China about the dangers they may encounter this time.

"Before officially going to England, I have a very important thing to tell you. At the same time, for your safety, it is also the last choice for you. I hope you will consider it carefully.

At the same time, no matter what the result is, I hope you will keep it strictly confidential. "

Uncle Li's attitude also made everyone feel the seriousness of the matter, and the atmosphere became serious.

"As we all know, in the past, China Mensa club was a regular guest of gold medals in the world Mensa top round table competition. But in the last session, we didn't even get the top three medals. Was it because our strength was very poor in the last session? No!

Because something happened to the two core ace players in our last session. "

Hearing this, several people on the scene were also a little nervous.

Uncle Li looked at several people and then said, "they have been infected with an unknown virus. So far, no antidote has been developed."

"Then what happened to them? Did they die? Or?" everyone's heart became nervous and asked in a low voice.

Uncle Li did not hide anything: "at present, one has become stupid and sluggish, and the other has become a person completely because of his mild infection. Although he is not stupid and sluggish, his temperament has greatly changed and his character has completely changed.

Well, he used to be a sunny and open-minded young man, but now he has become gloomy and caring.

And the worse news is that his intelligence level is also declining a little. If he can't find an antidote this year, his IQ level will fall to the level of ordinary people at the end of the year. If it continues to fall... "

The mood of the people present was also heavy.

"The global Mensa top round table competition is obviously absolutely fair and just, but it is also a competition for talents between countries, so some countries or players use dirty means in private.

Last year's contestants were infected because of what and when... Our investigation has found nothing so far.

So this time you go to the game, you may face the same danger. We can't help but consider your life safety.

This competition is very important for the country, but you talents are also very important for the country.

So now you have one last chance to choose. It's not too late to quit. "


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