In the mall,

Wenya and Yang Ruoyu sat in the restaurant for dinner, but Wenya was not in a good mood.

She was holding milk tea and couldn't drink a mouthful with a sad face.

Yang Ruoyu really couldn't see it, and took the initiative to comfort him.

"Wen Ya, don't worry. Your father will be fine. The doctor said that uncle Wen is getting better."

"That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about what to do if the murderer appears again and hurts my father."

Speaking of this, elegance can't even drink milk tea.

"No, haven't we all planned before we came out?"

Yang Ruoyu's eyes wandered around, determined that there were no suspicious people around, patted his elegant hand and comforted.

"Although you and Huo Zheng have arranged the medical staff, those who wear masks to enter my father's ward are suspicious.

But... "

At this point, Wenya hesitated.

"There are many people in the hospital. What if the killer didn't choose to disguise as a medical staff?

What if he pretended to be someone else? What if there was more than one murderer? "

More and more elegant,

She looked worried, and Yang Ruoyu was distressed.

But for the smooth implementation of the plan, she can only continue the trick.

When the murderer is arrested, she will tell Wenya the truth.

"Don't worry, no one can enter uncle Wen's ward except the medical staff and bodyguards,

There is only one entrance and exit in the whole ward, so it will be fine. "


Gentle and flustered looked at Yang Ruoyu.

"But why do I always have an ominous feeling in my heart?"

"Silly girl, that's because you think too much about Uncle Aiwen."

Yang Ruoyu stretched out his hand and nodded at the center of your elegant eyebrows, but said.

"Since you're worried, let's go back and have a look after dinner later?"


Wenya agreed immediately. In fact, she wanted to go back long ago.

"Then eat all these dishes first. Only when you are full can you take care of Uncle Wen."

Yang Ruoyu quickly mixed dishes for Wen Ya.


It was getting dark outside, so dark that I couldn't see my fingers.

Bell has indeed begun to act,

However, he did not choose to disguise as a medical staff as speculated by Yang Ruoyu and Huo Zheng.


The smoking area at the back door of the hospital,

A bodyguard was leaning against the wall, smoking.

Just as he was enjoying the happiness of smoking, suddenly a dark shadow flashed in front of him. The next second, the bodyguard lost consciousness.

Bell glanced at the bodyguard coldly and dragged him to a dark corner.

I changed into a bodyguard's clothes and even looked like a bodyguard.

In this way, he walked into the hospital and came to Vincent's ward unimpeded.

At the door of the ward, the bodyguard in charge of guarding,

Dozing off!

Bell's sarcastic sneer,

That's it?

I don't know how Vincent killed his father Gordon with these straw bags.

Vincent must have used some mean means!

Thinking of this, Bell's hatred became stronger!

He pretended to come over inadvertently,

He stunned the sleepy bodyguard with a palm and carefully pushed open the door of the ward.

With a "squeak", the door opened slowly.

As Bell saw during the day, there was no bodyguard in it!

Vincent lay quietly on the bed. The quilt seemed to cover his head and could not see his face clearly.

Bell even boldly turned on the light in the room,

Such as entering a deserted place, he walked to the hospital bed and stood up with the gun in his hand.

"Vincent, today is your death!"

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