"Tomorrow's game, we all come on!"

When Yang Ruoyu finished, he immediately ran away.

She is also a person who wants face. She can't say a direct apology for a moment or two.

Huo Zheng looked at the people who ran away and was puzzled.

I did that to him in the afternoon, and now I cheer for him.

Do you like him or hate him?

Woman, it's really hard to understand!

Across the corridor,

A middle-aged couple hid in a corner. The woman grabbed the broom excitedly and forcibly restrained her excitement.

She is Huo Zheng's mother, Gu jiuci.

Disguised as cleaners, came to the hotel to secretly protect the safety of the team members.

"Wu Wu, brother Che, you see, our son has finally realized that he cares about girls.

If the person he likes is really stupid! "

Huo Mingche looked down at his woman. His eyes were full of spoil and jealousy.

Xiao jiu'er paid too much attention to his son,

Obviously, he is right beside her.

"He's got a fart."

Huo Mingche opened his mouth contemptuously and reached for his wife's broom.

"At least I won't let my beloved woman wait, let alone misunderstand her jealousy."

Gu jiuci realized that his brother Che was jealous. He turned around and hugged him.

"Yes, you are the best Che brother in the world. It will take tens of thousands of years for our son to catch up with you!"

"Smelly boy will never catch up with me."

"Yes, he will never catch up with you."

Gu jiuci quickly opened his mouth and coaxed.

"Come on, brother Che. We have to clean the next room."

"I'll come."

"No, since you pretend to be clean, you have to play to the end."

Two middle-aged couples are sweet and greasy.

It's beyond the reach of young people.

And now, in the penthouse suite,

Lin Luo poured herself a glass of red wine and was about to drink it comfortably when her phone rang.

The caller ID of the phone, a pattern of the sun.

Lin Luo's face changed,

Immediately connected the phone.


A deep, hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"How are you doing? You must win the championship this time. There can be no accidents."

"I understand!"

"Lin Luo, the organization has trained you for so long. I hope you can play your role and don't let us down."

"Don't worry, I'm here for revenge. We have a common goal!"

"Lin Luo, if our enemy is not dead, you are the one who is dead!"

Lin Luo immediately said seriously.

"Yes! I'll start right away!"

A strange wind suddenly blew out of the window. Fortunately, Yang Ruoyu had returned to his room before that.

The next day, the world Mensa competition officially began,

All twelve teams gathered together,

The competition organizer began to announce the rules of the competition.

"This competition is divided into five items, memory, observation, space, nationality and logic.

The competition schedule is divided into two rounds. In the first round of points elimination, all teams send five people to participate in five major competitions.

The top six accumulate one point and the remaining zero point. The team with the top six points will enter the semi-finals! "

After the host announced, the referee and the organizer immediately arranged the game without stopping.

When it comes to the official game, Jiang Peiyuan and Yu Xinyi will play in person.

In order to preserve their strength, Huo Zheng and Yang Ruoyu reported only two of them.


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