"How could this happen!"

The man's thin lips closed tightly, and his handsome face was full of sadness and loneliness.

"Alas... Don't be sad."

Uncle Li sighed and patted Huo Zheng on the shoulder.

"Yang Ruoyu is still in danger. All of us can't go in to visit."

"What does the doctor say? Will she be like the previous team members..."

At the thought that those team members had become dementia, and some even became vegetative,

Huo Zheng's eyes flashed strong heartache.

At this time, Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche came together with the doctor.

Huo Zheng immediately rushed up and grabbed the doctor's hand,

"Doctor, you must save her!"

"Don't worry!"

Mother Gu jiuci patted his hand and motioned him to let go.

"Fortunately, Ruoyu didn't drink too much water. Later, we gave her a gastric lavage, which allowed her to get back a life.

Now Ruo Yu's life is no longer in danger, but... "

"Just what?"

"But she is still in a severe coma. Whether she can wake up is still unknown."

At this point, Gu jiuci frowned fiercely, full of self reproach.

"Ah Zheng, I'm sorry, my mother didn't protect her."

Huo Zheng just relaxed and immediately raised it, but he still kept his reason.

"Mother, it's not your fault."

The atmosphere became sad and dreary, the doctor said.

"In fact, Yang Ruoyu's current data are good, indicating that she is tenacious self recovery.

Now there are many cases in the world where vegetative people are awakened. If her relatives can accompany and take care of her,

It may be very helpful for her to often be by her side and tell her some past stories. "

"Well... Yang Ruoyu's parents have cut off relations with her.

We urgently contacted her parents and were hung up by her parents. "

Uncle Li looked embarrassed and opened his mouth.


The doctor awkwardly held his glasses and finally sighed.

"Never mind, I'll come!"

Huo Zheng stared at Yang Ruoyu in the intensive care unit through the glass and solemnly opened his mouth.

"Zheng, have you figured it out?"

Mother Gu jiuci's expression was immediately serious.

"Once you promise, you can't give up halfway. If you're stupid, it's your responsibility."

"As a captain, it was my responsibility that I failed to protect her."

Huo Zheng answered without hesitation.

"Poof, just being a captain?"

Gu jiuci looked at his son teasingly. Huo Zheng immediately red his ears, but didn't answer.

Just in the middle of Mensa's game, a continuous team poisoning incident led to Mensa's game, which had to be suspended for a period of time.

This also gave Huo Zheng time to visit Yang Ruoyu and talk to Yang Ruoyu every day.

As a high cold iceberg with facial paralysis, it's too difficult for him to find a way to tell stories endlessly every day.

At first, he was not used to it. In the face of Yang Ruoyu, he often couldn't spit out for a long time.

Later, gradually, Huo Zheng thought of a way.

As a result, a sad and beautiful love story soon spread among the little nurses in the hospital.

The patient in VIP ward was unconscious, and her boyfriend was committed to her.

Come to see her every day and talk to her bedside.

That day, a new little nurse was curious about what the handsome boyfriend said,

So the little nurse secretly ran to the door in the name of changing her dressing,

Unexpectedly, what she heard was like this

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