"Uncle Li, you can rest assured and boldly let them go. Don't you rest assured of us?"

"Of course I'm relieved of you!"

Li Shuli smiled and approved Huo Zheng to take Yang Ruoyu out.

"Great! Boyfriend! I want ice cream and I want to go to the amusement park!"

Yang Ruoyu jumped three feet high with joy.

Huo Zheng, who has always had an iceberg face, finally showed a gentle smile and Wen Sheng agreed.

"OK, I will take you."

"Yo, even your boyfriend?"

Gu jiuci raised his eyebrows in surprise, showed his aunt's smile, and put his chin on Huo Mingche.

"Brother Che, it's a good thing that Xu Ruoyu is poisoned this time.

You see how fast their relationship develops! "

Gao Leng's handsome man couldn't deny it. He put his hand around Gu jiuci's shoulder.

"We haven't developed a relationship for a long time."

Gu nine words suddenly old face red.

"Brother Che plays rogue!"

The other half, Yang Ruoyu, with a sweet cone in one hand and Huo Zheng's hand in the other hand, appeared in the playground.

Huo Zheng's eyes fell on their hands, and he was distracted.

He didn't sign the girl's hand. After all, he took care of Tuan Tuan when he was a child.

But unexpectedly, holding Yang Ruoyu's hand, his heart would beat so fast.

"Boyfriend, I want rabbit ears."

Yang Ruoyu blinked big eyes, but he was coquettish towards huozheng.

Huo Zheng immediately surrendered.

"OK, I'll buy it for you."

Huo Zheng just picked up the rabbit ear. Unexpectedly, Yang Ruoyu picked up a big white rabbit ear, jumped up and put it on his head.

"I don't take this."

Huo Zheng subconsciously wanted to take off the rabbit ears on his head. As soon as he looked down, he saw Yang Ruoyu crying.

He compromised.

"Well, two together."

The next second, Yang Ruoyu immediately burst into laughter.

"Go on the merry go round!"


As a result, when sitting on the carousel, Yang Ruoyu said he was afraid and asked Huo Zheng to accompany him.

Huo Zheng had to stand beside the Trojan horse, hold Yang Ruoyu, and hold Yang Ruoyu's hand tightly with one hand.

They look no different from ordinary couples, even sweeter than ordinary couples.

Gu jiuci, who is responsible for tracking and protecting all the way, is going crazy.

"Brother Che, look, they are so sweet!"

Huo Mingche held a sugar cone with gentle eyes.



Gu jiuci took the telescope attentively, and Huo Mingche fed her skillfully.

The poor single dogs in the playground don't know how much dog food they eat.

Yang Ruoyu, who became a kindergarten version, seemed to release his nature as a child at once,

The energy is also incomparably exuberant, as if it can't be used up.

Suddenly I had to take a roller coaster. I took Huo Zheng's hand and made all the roller coasters again.

Suddenly, she was very curious about the haunted house and asked Huo Zheng to accompany her.

But when she got to the haunted house, she grabbed Huo Zheng's hand in fear. The whole person was like a sloth,

Hang it on Huo Zheng and cry loudly.

Yang Ruoyu was so dependent on him and trusted him all over,

Huo Zheng didn't put down his mouth this day. His mood was like floating in the clouds.

Always happy.

The last project, the ferris wheel.

Couples went to line up one after another.

Yang Ruoyu took Huo Zheng's hand again.

"Boyfriend, I'm going to take the ferris wheel, too!"


Huo Zheng immediately responded. In fact, he also wanted to ride the ferris wheel with her.

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