Gu jiuci sighed at the bottom of his heart and took out the note from his schoolbag and threw it on Lu Xiaosang's desk.

"This note is useless for me. I'm idle and boring. I've upgraded your notes. Have a good look."

With these words, he put on his headphones and went to sleep.

She stayed up late to read the novel "the most beautiful hour light" last night, causing her to stay up all night.

"A learning slag to a Xueba upgrade learning notes? Isn't that funny? "

"That's it. Lu Xiaosang's notes are destroyed!"

The people at the front and back tables immediately scoffed.

Lu Xiaosang was scared to stand still for several seconds, and then carefully opened his notes.

After only turning a few pages, she immediately widened her eyes. For a moment, she looked at the notes in shock, and then at Gu jiuci, who was asleep!

She thought... She probably knew the first reason for Gu jiuci examination!

Xu yun'er originally wanted to come and talk to Gu jiuci when the bell of the first class rang.

The first class in class A is mathematics.

In the middle-aged teacher, he was called "the bald master" in the middle-aged group, and he was the most shameful man in the group.

He also had a very good relationship with director Liang, who had already left office. When he learned that Gu jiuci, a bad academic, came to class A, his face was even worse.

"Class! Class begins! Do some students still look like they are students? "

Abbot Du went to the front of the platform and knocked on the table with his whip. He looked at Gu jiuci with a bad look.

Lu Xiaosang carefully glanced at Abbot Du, bravely stretched out his hand under the desk and quietly pulled Gu jiuci's clothes.

"What are you doing?"

Wake up by the voice of Gu jiuci some get up angry, she raised her head, eyes glumly staring at Lu Xiaosang, voice a little dumb, but did not hinder her powerful demonic aura.

"That... Classmate Gu, it's class now!"

Lu Xiaosang was so frightened that he insisted on explaining.


Gu jiuci blinked his eyes and took off the earphone, which raised Lu Xiaosang's forehead.

Abbot Du's face was livid, but he didn't say anything more. The class began in a cold voice.

"Let's talk about the test paper of yesterday's grade examination, because everyone's accuracy is relatively high, we only talk about the last question!"

He turned and wrote down the original title on the blackboard when a classmate suddenly stood up and looked at Gu jiuci's provocative opening way.

"Teacher! Isn't Gu jiuci the first one in the grade examination? I heard that she got full marks in math. How about letting her talk about this problem? "

When the man finished, the whole class burst into a burst of laughter.

"She copied it with the correct answer, and you asked her to talk about it!"

"Yu Gu, you are so creative

"Yes! Teacher, we all want to hear Gu jiuci tell us this question! "

Everyone thinks that Gu jiuci copied it with the correct answer, which is cheating. No one thinks Gu jiuci really will.

The students began to coax one by two, waiting to see the original nine words of the joke.

Someone has even quietly pulled out their mobile phones to shoot videos.

Abbot Du was not satisfied with Gu jiuci for a long time, so he said on purpose.

"Mr. Gu, everyone is so enthusiastic that you want to talk about the topic. Why don't you come up and talk to us?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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