Gu jiuci pretends to sweep the desktop carelessly, but Xu Yuner's mobile phone is picked up too fast, and she can't see the name of the contact person.

"Hello? You wait for me...

Xu yun'er looks flustered and happy. She says a word to her mobile phone. She immediately stands up and says to Gu Jiu.

"A CI, I have something urgent. I won't have dinner with you."

After that, he did not wait for Gu jiuci to react, so he turned around and left with his mobile phone in a hurry.

Gu jiuci looks at the direction of Xu Yuner's departure, and vaguely feels that she is likely to meet someone.

Just now Xu yun'er also said that something happened to Jiang Yutang's house. It seems that the elder brother's action worked. Xu Yuner can't give up her role in the most beautiful hour light. Without Jiang Yutang, she has to find another way out.

Who is it? In her previous life, she thought she was a good friend with Xu yun'er, but she didn't know anything about her at all.

Now we have to start from scratch!

Gu jiuci unconsciously pokes the rice balls in the plate with his chopsticks. He is also worried about another thing.

The crew of "the most beautiful hour" did not recruit actors publicly. She is now a high school student. She has to find a way to win the role of the third girl.


All of a sudden, the sound of a heavy plate landing attracted everyone's attention, and let Gu jiuci suddenly return to his mind and follow the reputation.

It's Huang Lili and her little sister-in-law making trouble for Xiao sang.

"Lu Xiaosang, it was you who dropped the plate because you couldn't hold it firmly. It has nothing to do with me. Don't blackmail me!"

Huang Lili was just about to make a sarcastic remark when she saw Gu jiuci with a heavy look on her face. She was afraid for a moment and quickly changed her mouth.

Lu Xiaosang squatted down to pick up the plate with red eyes. Fortunately, the steamed bread didn't fall out and could be eaten.

All the people around him looked as usual, and no one came out to help.

In the eyes of these noble students, Lu Xiaosang, a poor man, is naturally an alien, even a lower class.

It turns out that... Gu jiuci is not the only one who has been isolated...

"Lu Xiaosang! Come here

Gu jiuci sarcastically raised the corners of his lips and raised his voice.

Lu Xiaosang just picked up the steamed bread, heard Gu jiuci calling her, and was shocked. He stood in the same place and was at a loss.

"Don't understand me?"

Gu jiuci slightly tilted his head, and his voice became colder, and his evil spirit spread everywhere.

Lu Xiaosang was frightened and immediately went to Gu jiuci and sat down.

All the other people in the canteen are stunned. Gu jiuci is starting for Lu Xiaosang?

Huang Lili snorted coldly and ran away with a few Taimei.

Gu jiuci put a few dishes to Lu Xiaosang in front of him, and opened his mouth on purpose.

"Don't leave any of these, or you'll stand up for class today."

"But I don't have money..."

Lu Xiaosang stammered and was interrupted impatiently by Gu Jiu before he could finish.

"Did I ask you to pay?"


Lu Xiaosang whispered, and then carefully picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables. After all, she was a girl with a long body in her adolescence, and she quickly devoured it.

Gu jiuci raised his eyes slightly at this time, and looked at the withered and thin road Xiaosang, slowly.

"It doesn't matter if the whole school isolate you. From today on, I'll be with you and isolate all of them! Do you hear me

Lu Xiaosang, who is pickling rice, immediately widens her eyes when she hears this sentence. She clearly hears the sound of the disintegration of the wall at the bottom of her heart.

She slowly raised her head and nodded heavily to Gu jiuci's bright eyes.

Gu jiuci is on the road, Xiao sang has understood her meaning, light way: "eat."

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