After one afternoon's fermentation, Gu jiuci was once again popular in s noble high school.

Even after school, a group of students from other schools gathered around the school gate to watch her.

Fortunately, Gu jiuci had already predicted that he let the second brother stop at the back door to pick her up.

"Second brother, go back to our house first. I'll go back and get the violin."

Gu jiuci put down his schoolbag and said carelessly.

Gu Qijue, who had just started the car, suddenly loosened his foot, causing the car to shake violently.

"You, you, you... What do you say?"

The second elder brother immediately turns around, stares at the younger sister in shock, stutters to ask a way.

"I said I'm going to practice the violin again, the musician's dream, and I'm going to pick it up again."

Gu jiuci stops all the movements and looks at the second elder brother seriously and answers.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Gu Qijue's eyes were a little red. He pinched his lower thigh foolishly. He was puffing with pain.

He suddenly flashed through his mind numerous clips, including pictures of his sister practicing with his mother and his sister winning the prize.

It's just that after high school, a CI broke the violin and announced that he would never practice again. Since then, he never heard his sister's piano. At the engagement banquet that day, he thought ah Ci was on the spur of the moment, but he didn't expect...

"ah Ci, if my mother knew about it, she would be very happy!"

"Well, I'll never let mom down."

Gu jiuci's meaningful words.

When they got home, Gu Qingyuan and Su Furong came back from the outside and saw that there was only one daughter beside him, so he frowned and asked.

"Xiao Qi, why didn't you get yun'er back?"

"My cousin told me at noon that she had something to do, and then she asked for leave. Although the college entrance examination is about to take place, my cousin yun'er got a good result in the exam this time. She should be absent from class for an afternoon

Gu jiuci did not wait for Su Furong to explain, but took the first step to answer.

It's just that there's a knife hidden in the words. Who can't do it?

sure enough, his father Gu Qingyuan frowned even more when he heard this sentence.

"There is less than a month to the college entrance examination, can one afternoon of absence be ok?! Why are you just a little bit, and your cousin is not sensible again! "

Su Furong next to a surprise, quickly swept Gu jiuci one eye, quickly explained.

"Yun'er is not absent from school. She may have participated in the school dance performance. You know, she has been excellent since she was a child. Besides her school work, she has to take into account a lot of artistic activities."

"So it is."

Gu Qingyuan listened to this and nodded with satisfaction.

Gu jiuci narrowed her eyes slightly and swept Su Furong lightly.

It's really a good method. In a few words, Farah returned to the origin of his father's view of Xu yun'er. It seems that in order to reveal the true face of Xu Yuner's mother and daughter in front of her father, we still need to work hard...

"by the way, today is not the weekend. How did you come back?"

Gu Qingyuan asked again.

"Oh, ah CI came back to get the violin. She is going to take the college entrance examination soon. She also wants to try Julia Conservatory of music."

Gu jiuci did not have time to speak. For fear that she would be scolded, her second brother Gu Qijue quickly blocked in front of her and explained to her father.

"You want to practice again?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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