When Gu jiuci put the violin away and returned to the dining room, the great demon king was already sitting at the table. He supported his forehead with one hand, as if he was meditating on something.

This man is really capable of reversing all sentient beings by doing nothing...

with a deep feeling in his heart, Gu jiuci quickly walked over and sat down in the seat beside him.

"Here comes the spicy pot."

At this time, aunt Ming came up with a large pot of steaming hot spicy pot. The thick and rich flavor made Gu Jiu's mouth water drop.

"Aunt Ming, I can't be greedy when I smell it. Your cooking is getting better and better!"

Gu jiuci picked up a bowl to hold vegetables, while praising aunt Ming sparingly.

"Miss Gu's praise is just ordinary home cooking."

Aunt Ming's expression is light.

"How can I have three bowls of rice today with just this spicy pot?"

Gu jiuci said seriously with a full face.

As the saying goes, people who stretch out their hands do not smile, let alone praise themselves.

A smile and warmth finally appeared on Aunt Ming's face.

"Miss Gu will eat more. There are other dishes in the kitchen. I'll take them."

With that, aunt Ming turned around and left, but the smile on her face never came down. It's not particularly happy that someone likes to eat her cooking so much.

Gu jiuci is in a good mood. Since she has decided to marry the demon king in her life, she doesn't want to live a life like that in her previous life. The first step is to get along well with the people around her, and no longer give opportunities to some people!

"What are you thinking?"

The great demon can always find her distracted for the first time.

"I want to give you this bowl first! All my favorite prawns are for you

Gu jiuci suddenly returns to his mind and puts the bowl in front of the demon king. After all, he has something to tell him and bribes him first.

Huo Mingche slightly drooping eyes, staring at the bowl of those chopped pepper red pepper lantern pepper, no trace of the frown.

Just as Zhan Ying walked in from the yard, he saw the bowl in front of the master and immediately said, "master, you can't...

before he finished his words, Huo Mingche immediately raised his hand and interrupted him.

Gu jiuci's eyes swept between the two and asked, "don't you like spicy pot?"

"Who said that?"

As if to prove something, Huo Mingche immediately took up chopsticks and ate a prawn slowly.

Zhan Ying looks silly, just want to open his mouth, and on the Lord son warning eyes, can only live closed mouth.

See big demon king really nothing different, Gu jiuci also didn't care. He picked up chopsticks and kept putting vegetables in his bowl.

"This lotus root slice, as well as this kelp knot, are delicious. Have a try!"


The man obediently picked up the chopsticks and ate only a few dishes given to him by Gu jiucijia.

Gu jiuci estimated that the atmosphere was good, so he talked about the school affairs with the devil king while eating.

"Today's school can be lively, class meeting in the afternoon teachers also let us fill in the volunteer."

What's the school

Huo Mingche looks slightly a meal, immediately looks to Gu jiuci. Zhan Ying, who was standing next to her, immediately raised her ears to listen.

"I've filled in two schools, one is Shangjing Film Academy and the other is Julia conservatory."

The man's face, with the last word of Gu jiuci, suddenly sank down, and the atmosphere suddenly fell to the freezing point.

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