This storm caused by Jiang Yuan made Gu jiuci reap a huge flow dividend.

A few days later, two-thirds of the shooting of "Langya Zhuan" has been completed. According to the normal operation of TV series, it is time to hold a business promotion conference.

When a TV play is about to be finished, such a meeting is often held to publicize to TV stations and advertisers. The purpose of signing a contract with satellite TV and obtaining sponsorship from sponsors has been achieved.

This time, Gu jiuci turned the whole Xiangshan new city into the scene of the press conference. Both the venue and the style were 100 times higher than that of the last launch conference.

"ADI, you've become the top stream of our crew. There were not many reporters at the launch conference before. But this time, all the media rushed to attend. I sent out more than 200 work permits alone."

Backstage, Tang Yu is full of joy to report with Gu jiuci.

"How many TV stations and advertisers have come?"

Gu jiuci looked at the process of today's investment promotion meeting and asked.

"There have been a lot of them. Maybe our movies have had a very good effect. In addition, our popularity is not much different from that of Qingyun. I have calculated that five satellite TV stations have chosen to come here.

As for sponsors, more than 20 brands, large and small, have also come to visit, in addition to those owned by Huo's and Gu's

When we heard Tang Yu's words, we were relieved.

Previously, Langya Zhuan was not as famous as Qingyun Ji, and people were worried about whether the play would not be sold.

Every year, there are hundreds and thousands of TV dramas in China, but many of them can't be sold, so they have been shelved and have no chance to release them.

"There are so many people coming today. It seems that our" Langya biography "can be a little bit light

A young actress happy way, the next to Lu Xingyi listen, a sneer.

"Look at your success, our" Langya biography "will be the most popular TV series this year

Lu Xingyi's voice dropped, and everyone's expression was a little subtle. At that time, no one even responded to him.

After all, today's "green cloud" also held a business promotion conference in the hotel.

"I think so too!"

At this time, Gu jiuci stood up and echoed Lu Xingyi.

"There must be many satellite TV stations and brands invited by Qingyun, but who can sign the contract depends on their abilities. We should have confidence in our efforts in the past two months!"

After that, Gu jiuci went to Pujing.

"Schoolmaster, the PPT explanation of the investment promotion meeting, you, the director, will be able to do it

Pu Jingzhi's face was a little bit white because of his nervousness. He had been shooting some rubbish TV series before, so he couldn't get to the stage of the press conference. But this time, he actually had to stand on such a big stage, facing so many magnesia lamps and so many Party A's dads...

"I remember director Ning who shot" Crazy "and official director who made" birth gate ". Before that, they were all from the background of shooting network drama, and they were all silent and unknown, right?"

Gu jiuci specially mentions these two directors. Pu Jingzhi hears the words and flashes a light in his eyes.

"ADI, I know what you mean. Don't worry."

These two directors are also Pu Jingzhi's idols.

Hearing his words, Gu jiuci was relieved.

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