"Since I signed you, I will protect you. Now, cheer up!"

Gu jiuci opened his lips calmly and raised his hand to pat the boy on the shoulder.

Fei Ming's pupil suddenly enlarges. At the moment, Gu jiuci is not just a person in his eyes, but... Hope!

A hope that appeared before his eyes in the boundless darkness.

People around did not expect that Gu jiuci's reaction was like this. They were all very surprised. They thought that Gu jiuci was too hasty and emotional in dealing with Fei Ming.

But no one dared to speak directly.

"I ask you a few questions, and you tell me the truth in front of everyone. As long as you don't make mistakes, I'll solve the big problems. No matter how difficult the situation is, I will try my best to turn the tide back. "

Her words are loud, and every word is on Fei Ming's heart.


Fei Ming nods heavily.

Gu jiuci is relieved and finally makes Fei Ming's mood stable.

"First question, do you like men?"

When she asked the question, everyone in the cast raised their ears.

"No, I don't like it!"

Fei Ming answers without thinking, even flashed a thick disgust in his eyes.

"Is there any evidence to prove it?"

Gu jiuci asked very carefully, because it was related to Fei Ming's future. She had read the news on the Internet, and the article was almost impeccable, just like a perfect lie.

Obviously, this is either a fact or a long-standing plot.

The star has little trouble with her, and the star is not a big company, so the people behind the scenes are...

except Yang Xiuwen.

If he can't find a way to hit, he will be entangled to death like a snake.

"Did I have a girlfriend before I started? Several male students in the University confessed to me, and I immediately refused. I said in public several times that I didn't like men

Fei Ming recalled.

Gu jiuci nodded slightly and then asked.

"What's the reason why you broke the contract with the star?"

In fact, Fei Ming has already answered this question once in four times before, but Gu jiuci asked him to answer it in front of everyone.


Fei Ming bit his lips tightly and tried to restrain his hatred. Gu jiuci waited patiently. The whole room was very quiet, waiting for his answer.

"Because my agent asked me to sleep with me, with the boss, with the men. If I refuse, he'll kill me. He said that he could hold me up to heaven and push me into the mud so that I would never turn over

When he finished the last word, his eyes were red with hate.

When the crew heard the answer, their faces softened obviously, but some of them still had doubts.

Gu jiuci did not intend to continue to tear his wound, and quickly asked a question.

"What's the matter with all those bed photos of you and your agent, synthesized?"

"No, those photos are real."

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