Lin Shujing immediately frowned and severely reprimanded Ye Kan.

"Ye Kan! Don't say that again in the future. Do you still doubt ah Che's choice? A CI is our little sister who grew up. Can't you see how excellent she is now?

I am now the number one supporter of both of them. If I hear you talking in the future, don't blame my fist for not having eyes. "

She said the matter of importance, but also toward the leaf, bright fist, no matter from any angle, can not find her a trace of flaws.

Just at this time, the door opened from inside, Huo Mingche came out from inside.

"Er... Boss, you talk with the queen so fast...

Ye Kan suddenly laughs with guilty heart.

The man's eyes are icy, and ye Kan immediately lowers his head and dare not speak.

"Ah Che, ye Kan is straightforward. You must not punish him."

Lin Shujing immediately opened his mouth to speak for ye Kan, and the man's eyes fell on her, probably because of what she had just said, Huo Mingche's eyes warmed a lot.

"My father said that you have worked hard overseas these years, and it's time to take a long vacation to come back and rest."


Lin Shujing immediately surprised to look up, did not expect Huo Mingche said so long words.


The man nodded lightly, then walked forward alone.

"Shujing, that's very kind of you. We've been looking forward to your return. I'll book your ticket now."

The happiest thing is that ye Kan has taken out his mobile phone immediately.

"Don't worry. I'll go back when I finish dealing with the fog city. You can book the air tickets first."

Lin Shujing smiles and says softly.

Before returning home, she had to prepare a gift for Gu jiuci...

but unfortunately, she couldn't see it with her own eyes...

at the same time, the penguin video underground parking lot.

"A CI, did you just speak hard to the general manager? In three days' time, how can you put an injustice to Fei Ming's affairs?"

Tang Yu frowned again and asked.

"Brother Tang, I said that we can solve it in three days. But can you stop frowning? If you keep frowning, you will become an old man."

Gu jiuci opened the door and joked in a good mood. At the moment, she didn't look like a person under pressure. She was already in a burning mood.

"By the way, you can find me ten top lawyers later, and tell them that there will be a big list to do these two days..."

she got into the car and opened her laptop, saying meaningfully.


Tang Yu secretly glanced at the dense code on the computer screen, knowing that Gu jiuci was going to enlarge his moves again...

however, this time, Yang Xiuwen was not a vegetarian.

Gu jiuci and Tang Yu have just left the penguin video with their front feet, and the news of their hind legs has reached Yang Xiuwen's ears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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