Speaking of this, the wretched agent actually squeezed out a few crocodile tears in public to solicit sympathy. Unfortunately, he was too obscene to gain much sympathy.

If it was at the beginning, the reporter would certainly support Liu An with indignation. But after the contract storm, the reporters were not so anxious to choose the side station. Instead, they directly focused on Fei Ming and Gu jiuci.

"Ah... Fei Ming doesn't like men. He likes men and plays tricks. It's you who are abnormal, right?"

Gu jiuci raised the microphone, and suddenly pointed to the gate. Tang Yu and ah Jing opened the door, and a group of people filed out.

Some of these people are ordinary people, and some journalists know them. They are young artists under the banner of stars.

They came in with a microphone in their hands.

"I'm Fei Ming's ex girlfriend. I can testify for him. He doesn't like men."

"We are Fei Ming's high school classmates. We can testify. Fei Mingren is very good!"

"In fact, he is a straight man!"

One of the students was so rude that he made everyone laugh.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Liu an immediately picked up the photos printed on the table and threw them at the reporters.

"Those people are Fei Ming's relatives and friends. Don't believe their lies! These are the bed photos of Fei Ming and me. If we were not lovers, we would sleep in the same bed. Would we be so close?! He's just a scum. Don't be cheated by him! "

"Let's listen to what your star artists say

Gu jiuci stares at Liu An fiercely and hands the microphone to the new star.

"I'm an artist who just signed a contract with stars last year. Liu An tricked me into signing the contract, and forced me to sleep with him as soon as I signed it. Otherwise, I would have to hide me. I had to terminate the contract and found that the penalty for breach of contract was 100 million yuan!"

"I was cheated by Liu An! Stars are the den of a perverted old man! I didn't have money to rent a house, so Liu asked me to live with him and sleep with him... Please help us

"Yes! Help us! I still have a recording of Liu An threatening me! "

A new young man suddenly took out his mobile phone and aimed at the microphone.

"Xiaotan, you'd better think clearly. If you sleep for one night, you won't lose a piece of meat. On the contrary, you will become a big star right away..."

"let me go!"

"Damn it! You don't know what's good or bad, and you want to be killed by Laozi again, don't you? "

In the recording, every sentence of Liu An is full of malice and obscenity!

The hearer is angry at it! These young artists are only 17-8 years old. There are many older reporters on the scene. Their children are almost the same age as these small artists. They are very angry after listening to them!

Finally, the microphone reached Fei Ming's hand, but he was silent with his lips clenched.

Gu jiuci raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. She knew that the next step was the most difficult for Fei Ming.

Fei Ming clenched his fist and finally opened his mouth slowly.

"I'm like them. Liu An blackmailed me for so many years in such a way that I finally got to the end of the contract. I thought I could escape from the devil's paw, but I didn't expect to come to this day..."

he had covered up for so many years, but he didn't expect to tear the old scar with his own hands in the full view of the public...

all the reporters were shocked A breath of air conditioning, did not expect the truth of the matter, unexpectedly is like this!

"Kill this scum

At the scene, there were a lot of black powder from Fei Ming who was supposed to boost Liu An's morale. Now they know the truth, they are all crying and fainting. I don't know who yelled at them. It was like a star falling into the grassland. The scene suddenly exploded!

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