"This round, we have a win or a lose."

On the phone, Yang Xiuwen was a little reluctant.

"She just got the right to play Penguin video on the Internet. But the most important TV stations and video websites have signed up with us on Qingyun. By then, the broadcast volume of all platforms will be able to drown Langya.

Today she is in the limelight, but Penguin video users are straight men watching the game, and there are not many female users at all. You can make her happy for two days. When the TV series is broadcast, she will understand what it means to want to cry. "

"Well, I'll see."

Jiang yuanpi hangs up the phone without laughing, and Jiang Min next to her interrupts.

"I think brother Xiuwen has a point. It seems that Gu Jiu's words have been in the limelight, but in the end, Langya Zhuan has become an online drama that can't be on the stars. It's just a group of Internet dramas. What are you worried about, sister?"

"Gu jiuci is not so easy to give up. Don't be too optimistic!"

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly. In fact, she pays close attention to the micro blog and super words of "Lang Ya Zhuan" every day. From the beginning of the fixed makeup photo, she found that the play was well made. After the release of the flowers, it further confirmed the uneasiness in her heart.

Recently, more and more netizens have discussed Langya biography. On the contrary, most of the discussions on Qingyun Ji come from the Navy.

She is a cautious person, she can't turn a blind eye to Gu jiuci's many advantages.

"Is there any way to make this play impossible to broadcast continuously?"

Jiang Yuan unconsciously murmurs to herself, and Jiang Min answers.

"It's almost as good unless the man and woman are dead."

"All dead?"

Jiang Yuan suddenly a Zheng, repeated the three words her sister said, an idea in her mind.


in the morning, after Xu Yuner finished a play,

"card! Miss Xu can go to have a rest. The others will do the shot again! Miss Xu's stand in! "

The deputy director said politely.

A shot quality is not up to standard. As a result, the main female star does not need to be repeated. Instead, other people are allowed to repeat it and act as a stand in.

But everyone in the crew is used to it, and the staff quickly despised Xu Yuner. Now everyone has only one word for Xu yun'er.

Bad acting!

However, Xu yun'er has completely ignored. She is about to become a real gold medal of a powerful family. Relying on this face alone, she can have a foothold in the entertainment industry. What else should she try to do.

At this time, as soon as she went to the rest area and sat down, she heard Jiang Yuan chatting with other actors.

At the thought that Jiang Yuan is a top actress and a powerful family in the circle, she is the key to her entry into the circle of top celebrities. Xu Yuner joins in with a smile on her face.

"Sister yuan, what are you talking about? Is it so lively? "

"We are praising your cousin! Didn't you see the news this morning? "

Jiang Yuan said gently, as if she didn't know Xu yun'er and Gu jiuci.

Xu yun'er's face suddenly turned black. She read the news in the morning, but she soon closed it. Now, as soon as she heard the news that Gu jiuci was in the limelight, her heart was blocked.

"Oh, I did. "Langya Zhuan" has become an online drama

Xu yun'er is not salty and insipid.

Jiang Yuan immediately noticed Xu yun'er's excessively cold tone. It seemed that the friendship between the two plastic sisters had come to an end. Such a clever girl as Xu yun'er didn't even bother to maintain the superficial peace.

A cold light flashed through her eyes and continued.

"What is reduced to net broadcast drama, do you not know your cousin is a rich family immediately?"

Hearing this, Xu yun'er frowns fiercely and stares at Jiang Yuan.

"What does that mean?"

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