"It's easy for a woman like Xu yun'er to trust an outsider. I just need to lead her to understand the threat Gu jiuci poses to her, and she will act naturally. But if I say too much and let her deal with Gu jiuci directly, do you think she will do my knife well? "

"Wow, so it is. Sister, your mind is no worse than Xu yun'er!"

Jiang Min nodded suddenly, and her words made Jiang Yuan angry.

"Come on, you're hopeless."

Jiang Yuan shook her head helplessly, but she was a little relieved. With Xu yun'er in her heart, Gu jiuci couldn't think of it as easy these days.

Since signing the contract with Penguin video, "Langya biography" seems to be in a lot of peace. Before long, the crew was successfully killed.

With a wave of his hand, Gu jiuci contracted the largest hotel near Xiangshan to hold a green banquet.

But after three rounds of drinking, everyone drank too much.

"A CI, this is the most pleasant crew I've been in. In the next life, I'll be your sister, OK?"

Maybe it's been a few months together. The feelings are so deep that we don't defend each other. Even Du Fanghua, the most dignified person in his daily life, is drunk at the moment. Gu jiuci refuses to come down.

"Good, good, you are my sister, I raise you!"

Gu jiuci's face was tinged with a faint blush. She was originally abstinent, but it was rare for everyone to be happy today. They all lined up to propose a toast to her. She drank a few glasses of extremely low alcohol fruit wine.

Maybe it's because I haven't been drinking for a long time, but I'm a little bit above.

She looked up and glanced at Du Fanghua's assistant and agent, and she had already drunk under the table.

"Forget it. I'll take you back."

Gu jiuci shook his head and set up Du Fanghua to go outside.

This restaurant is not too far away from the hotel where they rest. She simply helps Du Fanghua to walk back.

Xiangshan is no more than the urban area. The roads are dark. Except for the stars and the moon, there are no lights.

Gu jiuci is struggling to hold up the mobile phone lighting while holding Du Fanghua.

All the way, her attention was focused on Du Fanghua, and not far behind her, several tall dark shadows followed her silently.


She just went out not far away, behind the voice of a man, Tang Yu rushed up.

The shadow in the corner, originally ready to rush out, at the moment to see Tang Yu, and quietly hidden behind the tree.

"You scared me to death. I'll offer them a toast and you'll be gone!"

"Why can't you call me? Fanghua is drunk. I helped her go back to the hotel first."

Gu jiuci explained with a smile. At this time, Du Fanghua's assistant and agent also came out drunk, but the two people were wandering around, completely unconscious.

"Today, the cast has been killed. Many actors have left the hotel and will go back tonight. So is Du Fanghua. Her agent and assistant couldn't find her. They were so scared! They were going to the airport

"So it is."

Gu jiuci glanced at three drunken people with a look of embarrassment.

"But how do they get to the airport like this? I remember you didn't drink. Why don't you drive the three of them

"I'll go? What do you do? "

Tang Yu was stunned.

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