It seems that these people are really tired of living and dare to provoke the master's wife!

In the ward,

"Hoo... I'm scared to death!"

The season Wei Ran swept the eye door, long relaxed breath.

"Mr. Huo's aura is so strong that I doubt whether I was going to suffocate just now."

"There's no exaggeration."

Gu jiuci's subconscious retort, although it is true, but she does not like others to say that the big devil's bad, there is no way, is to protect the short.

"By the way, how do you know I was hurt?"

"Coincidentally, our school just came to this hospital to show sympathy, but if we don't know, are you going to hide it from us? Don't you think we're friends? "

Ji Weiran explains to half, tone turns, a pair of interrogative posture, press Gu jiuci's shoulder.

"I'm wrong. I'm wrong. It's not a little injury. I don't want you to worry about it ~"

GU Jiuxi said.

"What did the doctor say? It seems that you won't have a chance to participate in this Vieira gold prize competition? "

Si Chen asks anxiously.

"No, no, no, my hands are all right. This time, I will never miss the Vieira gold medal contest again!"

Gu jiuci's expression became serious for a second.

The Vieira gold medal competition, equivalent to the Oscars in the film industry, can only be participated in by young people under the age of 20. They can only participate in it three times in their life.

Many well-known artists basically cut their heads from the Vieira gold prize competition. In other words, if they don't get this award, they don't touch the threshold of the classical music industry. In other words, many higher-end competitions in the follow-up period have no qualification to participate in.

Then the chance to become an artist is extremely slim.

In her previous life, she wasted countless time for Jiang Yutang and gave up her dream of a musician. In this life, she said nothing could be missed. Even when she was filming, she insisted on practicing the piano.

She's nineteen, and this is her last chance.

"You are an actor now. If you are so busy, will you miss it?"

Si Chen is still worried.

"Don't worry," Lang Ya Zhuan "has been shot. Next, I'll let Tang Yu spare my time. I won't accept any drama except recording songs and practicing piano. I remember to form a team with you

Gu jiuci reached out and patted sichen's hand.

"Then you must spare time. The registration time of Vieira competition is fixed. If it is not overdue, it will be regarded as giving up the competition. Every year, many people lose their chance because of various reasons.

During this period, I will stew big bone soup for you every day, so that you can get better soon! "

Si Chen said, but also clenched his fist to cheer himself up.

Gu jiuci remembered that he had been lucky to see the cooking skills of sichen once when he was a child. He suddenly felt like a big enemy and refused with a dry smile.

"Dagu soup is not needed. The doctor said that I didn't hurt my bone. After I got back to school, we could practice the piano well..."

later, Ji Weiran, who was afraid of the great demon king, took sichen away before their three sisters chatted for half an hour.

Gu jiuci was just about to have a rest when his elder brother and second brother came.

"Adieu! Which bastard dares to hurt you? I cut him off! "

"What about Huo Mingche? If he can't take care of you, we'll cancel the engagement! "

As soon as he entered the door, the second brother went directly into the state of explosion.

Gu jiuci covered his face with a headache and prayed that the great devil would not come back at this time.

However, what to be afraid of!

There was a dull noise at the door.

"Cancel the engagement?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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