Gu jiuci narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately opened the computer on the coffee table. The subconscious search engine input three words of Lin Shujing.

As soon as she pressed the Enter key, many results popped up on the screen. At the top of the list are all kinds of photos of Lin Shujing.

Gu jiuci didn't care much about it. Just as he was about to turn down, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Lin Shujing's childhood photos.

She subconsciously followed the photo and pointed in. It turned out to be a post introducing Lin Shujing's resume. The post recorded that Lin Shujing had been a child of other people's family since she was three years old, and had won the prize since she was three years old.


Gu jiuci turns over the photos of your childhood one by one. It turns out that Lin Shujing has always been a short haired image, and even some tomboys, until she goes to junior high school.

Anyway, there is not a picture of a child, which can look like a little girl.


Gu jiuci mumbled with her chin. Before that, she remembered several scenes of young Huo Mingche and a little girl, but the little girl could not see her face clearly.

Later, she remembered the pictures of Lin Shujing and Huo Mingche, and thought that the little girl was Lin Shujing. But now it seems that it is not Lin Shujing. Lin Shujing has never been dressed up as a girl doll.

So who is that little girl who can't see her face clearly?

"it's really a mess..."

Gu jiuci pats her forehead with headache. Her confused memory is even more difficult than solving a case.


She closed her notebook impatiently, and the mobile phone on the coffee table suddenly lit up. It turned out that the micro blog system automatically pushed an entertainment news.

[Xu Yuner, a small flower of Chinese media, is leading the lead in the heroine of "Tianxia 5". The grand drama is about to start! 】

"did Xu yun'er receive the play

Gu jiuci reached for his mobile phone and slid his hand into the video news.

It happens to be Xu Yuner's interview with reporters.

It's just that in the picture, the reporters from all over the world surround Xu yun'er like a crowd of stars supporting the moon, and she wears a luxury brand and looks arrogantly at the sky without even giving the reporter a look. I wish I could carry it to heaven.

Across the screen, Gu jiuci can feel the embarrassment of reporters.

The image of Xu yun'er is quite different from that of the gentle, kind-hearted little white flower she set up a few months ago. It is more like her arrogant and domineering appearance after she was held up and killed in her previous life.

She didn't pay much attention to Xu yun'er for the past three months, but Xu yun'er showed her Fox's tail and even fell into the whirlpool of money and money. She had already forgotten herself.

"It's so easy to raise or abolish a person."

Gu jiuci shook his head and sighed. His eyes turned deep and turned off the hot eye video.

"Tianxia 5" is more popular than "Qingyun Ji". The female owner is not a resource that ordinary people can get.

Hua Yu didn't even hold Jiang Yuan's sister, but went to hold Xu yun'er, who had nothing to do with her. It seems that the exchange of interests between Huayu and Yang Xiuwen has been reached?

"Finally, it's time to close the net..."

Gu jiuci gently patted the pillow. The setting sun just fell on the edge of the sky, and the night gradually came up...

the next morning, Gu jiuci went to yuan zewen's music studio on time.

Coincidentally, she just walked in with her front feet and saw Jiang Yuan and Jiang Min come out of it.

At the same time, the faces of both sides were slightly stunned, and the embarrassment of meeting on a narrow road suddenly came into being. No one took the initiative to say hello. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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