Ji Weiran patted Gu jiuci's shoulder with a deep face.


Gu jiuci took a deep breath and gave himself a deep breath. But she had to clear the way first.

At this time, the people have come to the restaurant. The man stops, looks back at Gu jiuci, and everyone stops.

"You go in first. I'll go to the bathroom."

Gu jiuci casually found an excuse, Huo Mingche did not care, stepped into the box.

Just as Zhan Ying, who is the last one in the line, is about to go in, his collar is tight and he is pulled out by Gu jiushisheng.

"Zhan Ying..."

the tone of Gu jiuci's voice suddenly reached two meters.

"Miss Gu, what's the matter?"

Zhan Ying instinctively gets goose bumps. I don't know what Gu jiuci intends to do.

"This evening, I'm going to do a very important event. If you mess me up like the daytime, I'll tell your master that you're impolite..."

before Gu jiuci's threatening words are finished, Zhan Ying immediately breaks into a cold sweat and interrupts her.

"Miss Gu, you can eat without saying anything. You want me to die!"

"Then on the table, you shut up and don't say a word. Do you hear me?"

Gu jiuci's eyes were cool and she was angry just now.

"Yes, I'll shut up as long as it doesn't threaten the safety of the master."

Zhan Ying's aggrieved nod agreed. Unexpectedly, he was the Chief Secretary of Huo's financial group. He actually got to this step.

"That's about it. Go in."

Gu jiuci nodded with satisfaction and finally let Zhan Yingjin go www.81zw.xyz ]Yes.

For yuangangcai's excuse, Gu jiuci really went to the toilet and entered the box again.

Huo Mingche in the moment she came, he opened the side of the chair, towards his side closer.

Gu jiuci sat down and found two shelled prawns in the bowl.

"I didn't expect that our eldest brother's ability to peel shrimps is also excellent ~"

Vincent deliberately lengthened his voice and said sarcastically.

Gu jiuci curled up the corner of his lips, reached for the man's arm, and faced Vincent.

"Why don't you think about it? Why are you so old that you haven't found a shrimp peeler for her

Vincent choked and made a plea for mercy at Gu jiuci.

"I missed my sister-in-law. I dare not tease my elder brother again."

"That's about it."

Gu jiuci's eyebrows raised, but he didn't notice Huo Mingche beside him, and his lips curled up quietly.

Halfway through the meal, Ji Weiran winked at Gu jiuci, who immediately understood and immediately put down the tableware.


The man noticed her state for the first time and looked sideways at her.

"I'm almost there. You go on. I'm going back to take a bath. I've just been sweating. I'm still not feeling well."

Gu jiuci deliberately wrinkled his nose, a pair of dislike their own appearance, and quietly to the season Wei Ran they wink.

Huo Mingche just want to get up and go with Gu jiuci, Ji Weiran opens his mouth quickly.

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