"Zhan Ying, you've been following the boss all the time. This Gu jiuci really doesn't like Jiang Yutang any more?"

Ye Kan gives Zhan Ying a push in disbelief.

"Well, about 90% of them can be trusted. After all, they almost kicked their lower body... "

after Zhan Ying finished, they all subconsciously looked down at their own, and at the same time they made an action of clamping Jin's legs.

"I will marry a wife in the future, and I will never be so aggressive!"

Zhan Ying said in fear.

"Pray for our boss. Sexual unhappiness is really worrying..."

Ye Kan shook his head with regret as he said.

Just at this time, the door creaked and was opened by Huo Mingche from the inside, which made three people pale, and they habitually stood in accordance with the military posture.

"Boss... We are just passing by, passing by, haha..."

Ye Kan said with embarrassment.

Huo Mingche is too lazy to take care of him and looks up to Zhan Ying.

"Don't go back. Get things done here."

"Yes! I'm going to book a ticket for five days now! "

Zhan Ying said with a smile that the big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

In s noble high school,

Gu jiuci talked about foaming at the mouth and told the whole story. Although she didn't know how much the devil believed, she didn't hear Huo Mingche angry until she hung up the phone.

It seems that she is on the right track in this dangerous move!

Gu jiuci felt something was wrong when she walked out of the music teaching building. How did Jiang Yutang know that she was in the music teaching building? It must be Xu Yuner's informer. Maybe when Jiang Yutang harassed her, Xu Yuner hid in some place to secretly shoot!

In order to be in case, she quickly made an international call to Huo Mingche. No matter whether Xu yun'er has done it or not, she should start first and eliminate the hidden danger in advance.

With the big devil, Jiang Yutang will be busy for a while!

After hanging up the phone, Gu jiuci comes back to the classroom and casually scans Xu Yuner. The other party's searching eyes are also looking at him. With four eyes facing each other, Xu yun'er immediately withdraws his eyes with a guilty heart. In another hour or two, Gu jiuci will be in danger!

However, during the next day, nothing happened. Even at noon, aunt Ming, the housekeeper of Huangju, came to the school to deliver food to Gu jiuci! Angry Xu yun'er looks blue.

But this is the best opportunity for her to get close to the people around Huo Mingche. She can't let go of it!

"Aunt Ming, is this your cooking? How delicious it is

Xu yun'er comes up with a smile on her face and praises him.

Gu jiuci drank the soup calmly and sneered at the bottom of his heart. As expected, just like the previous life, he began to flatter aunt Ming.

But in this life, Xu yun'er, you have no chance!

"Thank you. However, I only prepared Miss Gu's food, and there is no more for you... "

aunt Ming's expression is a little indifferent, full of embarrassment, and she obviously regards Xu yun'er as a general beggar.

Xu yun'er's face was stiff, and she clenched her palm in anger, but she could only smile on her face.

"It doesn't matter. My classmates asked me to go to the canteen. I hope I can taste aunt Ming's craft next time."

She said this sentence, aunt Ming did not pay much attention, Xu yun'er had to casually pull a classmate, embarrassed to run.

Gu jiuci chuckled and said nothing.

"Miss Gu, your cousin is very active."

Ming aunt side to Gu jiuci cloth dishes, while ordering so far said.

"Thank you for your advice. I know it in my mind."

Gu jiuci said thanks with a smile, and then he finished a bowl of soup, which proved that Aunt Ming's food was particularly delicious.

Aunt Ming's face is warm. Originally, Gu jiuci is a lovely child. If it is not for doing so many wonderful things in the past, it is hard to make people hate it. In addition, she is getting along very well with the young master, so her heart is toward Gu jiuci.

The next day is the weekend, Shu Ya sent a script over, Gu jiuci at home facing aunt Ming, practice all day.

Soon, it's time to make an appointment for a formal audition...

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