
Huo Mingche opened the door of the porch, and the room was dark. The strong aroma of fruit wine accompanied by the fragrance of flowers made people feel dizzy.

The faint moonlight fell on the balcony, the window was not closed, the white gauze curtain was flying with the wind, everywhere was full of... Weird!

The man's deep eyes suddenly cold and sharp, the pace more light, vigilant slowly forward, groping for the light switch.

"Little nine."

He called Gu jiuci's name in a low voice. After groping in the dark for a while, he gradually could see things clearly...

suddenly! A dark shadow rushed to him!

Huo Mingche subconsciously wants to make the action of counterattack, but suddenly bumps into a pair of bright eyes. At the critical moment, the murderous fist turns into a hug, which can catch her.

"Cuddle ~"

Gu jiuci narrowed his eyes, like a monkey, holding a man's warm body with both hands and feet.

After she had washed and changed her clothes, she still felt very nervous, so she drank a little bit of the courage wine that Ji Weiran had brought to her, and the wine that she put down was called a cup of wine. The result was...

"xiaojiu'er, you... Um...

before the man could finish speaking, he felt a heat on his lips, and his deep eyes suddenly raised flames. Her lips were so sweet...

Before he could react, the little guy in his arms could not bear to put his hands on him. He stroked his throat all the way through his chest. He immediately murmured, staring at his face tightly, and his voice was serious for the first time.

"Gu jiuci, do you know what you are doing?"

He rarely called her full name. Gu jiuci was stunned for a moment, staring at her face foolishly. However, alcohol soon made her lose her mind and thought it was in her own dream.

"Don't move! I want to be a bully and do whatever you want

Gu jiuci had a big drink, and immediately he untied the button of his collar.


In the dark, Gu jiuci can't help it. She gets more and more irritable. She simply pulls it suddenly, and the button of the gem suddenly breaks open, revealing a large piece of honey colored skin on the man's chest. With the light moonlight, she bursts out strong hormones.


Gu jiuci swallowed his saliva subconsciously. Their breath was short at the same time, but she was emotional, while the big demon was angry!

"Does the overlord bend his bow? Who taught you that? "

Huo Mingche's deep voice seduces the girl, but the cold in her eyes is like cold river.

He simply took Gu jiuci to the sofa, and was about to pull her off. Suddenly, Gu jiuci was wearing a silk Qipao with a high slit. As expected, it was of high quality, and it was easy to tear it apart.

The man just touched it lightly, and then forked all the way from the waist to the shoulder, and dropped half of it directly!

Fortunately, the night is hazy, not particularly clear, otherwise which man can not spray out three liters of blood?

The girl is still in a state of death. The man has no choice but to press her down on the sofa and tightly hold her white Xi's wrist.

"Xiaojiu'er, who am I?"

"You... The great devil who made me sad! Why don't you work so hard

Gu jiuci's soft voice is so angry that he can't untie the belt!

No response at all? He's going crazy!

Huo Mingche eyes of the flame was completely lifted into flames of war by this little guy, he bent down and impolitely clasped her chin, domineering against her lips, but not in a hurry to kiss.

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