It's a photo of a notebook. It's full of words. On the left is a list of time. On the right is the content of Gu jiuci's appearance. Comments are followed by each content.

This level of detail can not be achieved even by the assistant who is specially responsible for recording the number of sessions. He almost watched the two episodes frame by frame.

Who could have thought that with a little action, the emperor, who could have repeated the whole imperial capital, did such a delicate and stupid thing for his girlfriend?

He was serious enough to make her feel.

"I just asked you to give a random evaluation. Why did you write so much?"

Gu jiuci said so and made a voice. In fact, he was very happy! Happy roll on the bed, almost fell down!

"It's nothing to do with you."

Soon the man replied with a voice, two sentences, seven words, especially provocative.

An arrow hit her heart ~

Gu jiuci couldn't close her mouth with a smile. Later, she simply laughed and became a flower maniac. In a good mood, she hummed the theme song of "the legend of Langya", enlarged the photo and looked at the comments given by the demon king.

Men are really careful, but there are a few of them that seem special...

"three minutes and forty seconds, too close to the boy bookboy, I don't like it.

Ten minutes and two seconds, salute with the fourth prince, touch the hand, you don't have to!

Thirty minutes and fifteen seconds. It's not appropriate to hold the supporting actor's hand, which is not in accordance with the ancient etiquette, it's very inappropriate! "

Gu jiuci read and read, and finally laughed until she had a stomachache. Obviously, she was jealous, and she had to face down. How could she not find out that the jealous appearance of their big demon king was so cute ~

looking at the exclamation marks, she could almost make up for the big devil's face paralyzed and angry.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Gu jiuci covered his stomach and laughed for a while, only to find that the room was full of her laughter echo, suddenly a little lonely.

Alas, some miss him...

Gu jiuci raised his mobile phone and solemnly typed a line of words.

"Xiaojiu'er: I have collected this photo. I will reflect on it carefully and try not to let my brother Che be jealous! "

followed by a little pig swearing expression bag.

I didn't expect that the great demon king would reply quietly.

"Demon king: you swear, you will thunder..."

just after Gu jiuci saw this sentence, there was a flash of lightning outside the window, and then a thunder burst out.

"I'll go!"

Gu jiuci almost sat up from the bed like a spring.

"Do you want to be so precise?"

The next morning,

Gu jiuci thoroughly felt the enthusiasm of fans ~

"a CI! Don't leave the company today! "

She was about to leave the house when the temporary assistant stopped her.

"What's the matter? Why can't I go out? "

"Oh, you don't know. There are all your fans outside. Hundreds of people are about to cause traffic jams. Just now the police called us and asked us to evacuate the crowd immediately!

We finally cheated them that you were not there. These talents were ready to leave one after another. If you go out at this time, we will lose all our efforts! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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