"You lie! It's you who fell down by yourself

The security guard's face was even worse. I didn't expect such a situation to happen.

At this time, reporters have to fall to the male reporters to take photos, more people to the camera live on the spot.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm interviewing Gu jiuci on the scene. As the Internet rumors say, Gu jiuci is indeed the daughter of Gu Qingyuan, one of the four powerful families. She is really violent in character and even ordered the bodyguards to beat up my colleagues! It turns out that Gu jiuci in the past was all set up by people! "

All of a sudden, the scene was in chaos. Gu jiuci looked around. Sure enough, all these media were owned by Huayue.

"Adieu, let's go back first!"

Tang Yu made a decision and escorted Gu jiuci back to the company with his bodyguards.

"Damn it! Yang Xiuwen, this is to want to kill the net, unexpectedly exposed your family background on the Internet! These paparazzi are so quick that they immediately put the news on the Internet

Tang Yu's angry scolding started swearing, but the most calm is Gu jiuci himself.

"It doesn't matter. He did me a little favor."

"Help? The last female artist who was suddenly exposed as a powerful family was directly scolded that she had withdrawn from the circle of depression! "

Tang Yu was worried.

"ADI, you'd better go home and cut off the Internet for a while, and then wait for the calm..."

"brother Tang, you are wrong. The more times like this, the more I have to respond positively to them. "

Gu jiuci looks at Tang Yu seriously.

"Or do you have no confidence in your own foreshadowing?"

"I'm worried about those netizens..."

Tang Yu frowned and was interrupted by Gu jiuci before she finished speaking.

"Don't treat netizens as idiots. The Internet now is not the Internet of a few years ago."


Tang Yu some muddle force, Gu jiuci has turned to call big brother.

"I'm calling now to ask my family to prepare for it. You can tune out the audio monitoring of the back door and send it to the Internet. It's no longer necessary to pay too much attention to this matter."

Gu jiuci finished and then went away, leaving only Tang Yu a face muddled.

in the top office of Huayu, Jiang Yuan and Yang Xiuwen looked at the entertainment news on TV.

"Today, Gu jiuci's life experience has been exposed, and his ferocious nature has been exposed in front of many journalists, which has caused xuanran Dabo. Netizens have denounced this kind of rich second generation's behavior of disrupting the film and television market, and the public opinion on the Internet is boiling..."

"I can't believe that Gu jiuci is so stupid, in front of so many people, he even shows such a big flaw. Thanks to me Take her as an opponent, it turns out to be a soft legged shrimp. "

Yang Xiuwen smiles triumphantly with a sarcastic tone.

"She won't be able to turn over this time, will she? I guess Mrs. Huo must be so angry that she will repent? "

Jiang Min complacent analysis, Jiang Yuan is also a smile.

At this time, Huayu's public relations manager knocked on the door of the office.

"How about manager Zhang? Did the news of our walk cause a shock to the whole network? You can tell me in detail how miserable Gu jiuci was scolded and read the netizens' comments to Yuanyuan sentence by sentence.

Yang Xiuwen told the public relations manager to deliberately invite credit in the direction of Jiang Yuan, but he didn't notice the particularly ugly face of the PR Manager...

"Mr. Yang, things did not develop according to our plan, on the contrary...

Mr. Yang, things did not develop according to our plan > www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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