What's the pain? Where does it hurt?

Between the electric light and flint, she suddenly remembered that Gag video.

The big demon king is asking her, is it painful to shoot the scene of being dragged by a horse?

Some people care whether you fly high or not, some people care whether you can become a superstar and how far your career can go.

But Huo Mingche, he only cares about her pain.

As a matter of fact, she had no clear memory of that filming experience. At that time, she felt that it was the duty of an actor, which was very normal, so she didn't pay attention to it.

But this sentence from the big devil's mouth, she suddenly nose sour, aggrieved, speak with a soft waxy nasal sound.

"It hurts, but it hurts. I've been bruised for several days, and you're not with me."

People always expose vulnerability in front of the closest people, Gu jiuci to Huo Mingche in front of, become a soft sister who can only act coquettish.

Come and coax me, the great devil ~

"no more."

On the phone, the big devil's voice was very serious.


Gu jiuci is all ready to wait for the big devil to say something good like the hero of an idol drama to coax the female host. The result is that...

the reality is such a bony feeling. What the big devil said makes her more afraid.

"I'll take you to the physical examination tomorrow."

"I don't need a physical examination. Besides, I had a general examination last time. In fact, the scene was a little painful at that time, and then I was alive and kicking again. You see, I didn't leave any scars."

Gu jiuci immediately explained that she was very eager to survive. She was afraid that the devil king would not allow her to film any more. She just broke into a little fame. Do you know how difficult it is to get to the top of an actor if she does not make intimate scenes.

"good actors should try their best to restore themselves. Don't forbid them ~ Soft voice coquettish.

After a long time, the big devil on the other end of the phone had a little bit of compromise.

"The script will be sent to me later."

"OK, no problem!"

Gu jiuci nodded his head as quickly as garlic. First, let's pass today's safety, and then we'll talk about later ~

"I'd like to eat your braised pork. After a while, I'll go home and you can make it for me, OK

The man hears these two words to go home, the corner of the mouth of cold hard moment is soft, the voice is gentle.


"I'll hang up first. You're going to have a good meal. I'll check it next time I come back!"

Before hanging up, Gu jiuci did not forget his advice.


In the top president's office of Huo's group, men stand in front of the huge floor to ceiling window, and their eyes can see a beautiful sunset.

"Master son, Shu Jing said that she had handled almost all the things on the American coast and planned to return home soon."

Zhan Ying just came in from the outside, with the document in his hand, and went to Huo Mingche's back.


The man answered slightly, put away the mobile phone and turned to command.

"Zhan Ying, find the most professional medical team for a CI."

"What did Miss Gu get..."

Zhan Ying was puzzled. Before she finished her words, she immediately changed her mouth to the master's chilly eyes.

"OK, I'll arrange it right away."

After a few steps, he stopped again and looked out of the window. His eyes were fixed on the opposite building...

the man looked back at his desk www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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