Gu jiuci goes down to the hall on the first floor and goes to the door. He just sees his second brother surrounded by a group of star scouts.

"I've said it eight hundred times. I don't want to be a star. Even if I'm a star, I don't look up to you brokerages. Let's go!"

Gu Qijue impatiently raised his hand and waved away those little star detectives who kept trying to hand him his business card. Just as he was about to publish, he saw his sister Gu jiuci coming towards him.

He immediately beamed with a smile, revealing two small tiger teeth, sunny and handsome, like all the young and lively male protagonists in the cartoon idol drama.

However, the young man's smile is not to the heroine and girlfriend, but to his own sister.

Seeing the smile of the second brother, Gu jiuci was also in a good mood and walked towards him quickly.

"How about it? Did it come out? "

The second elder brother came over and put on her helmet skillfully and carefully, and asked at the same time.

"I sent them to the group. Did you see them together?"

Gu jiuci pretended not to be happy with the Du mouth, scared two elder brother's face a change, busy while apologizing while taking out the mobile phone to see.

"The second brother was just too bored to play a game of king, I'll watch it now!"

Gu jiuci started to talk. Now the game is just a game. A few months later, the word "E-sports" came into people's view.

The second elder brother will soon be the most famous and popular E-sports player in China.

However, in her previous life, she only felt that her second brother was not engaged in a proper job. She even sniffed at her every time he asked her to play games.

Looking back on that brief past life, Gu jiuci found that she had hardly done anything for her family, and the family had given her all their love.

In less than a second, Gu Qijue's smile on her face was even bigger, and even grabbed her two shoulders more excitedly than Gu jiuci himself.

"I knew we were the best! You can take any role you want at any time! "

"Average, third in the world."

Gu jiuci deliberately exaggerates the bangs and picks eyebrows.

"Take a walk, let's go to the big brother to buy you an entertainment company and hire the most professional agent for you. My sister can't be bullied in the entertainment industry!"

The second elder brother excitedly supports Gu jiuci to get on the bus, and he is also excited to say something.

"Wait, second brother. I'm not going to ask my family for help in this matter."

Gu jiuci immediately stopped the second elder brother, zhengse way.


Gu Qijue was stunned for a moment, looking at her sister's puzzled face.

Gu jiuci smiles mysteriously and lowers his voice. His eyes blink brightly.

"Because I already have a suitable person in mind, and I'll take care of it myself."

"Who? Who is it? "

Gu Qijue asked suspiciously.

Gu jiuci did not say, pushing the second brother forward.

"You'll know later. Now let's go home quickly."

"All right, then."

Gu Qijue, the second elder brother, wears a helmet with his mouth. Sangxin, his sister has a little secret and refuses to share it with his brother.

But soon Gu Qijue forgot all about the embarrassment, holding the handlebar of his motorcycle and shouting in his face.

"Sit tight, second brother will take you to fly! ~"

Gu jiuci understands that this is a small game she often played with her second brother when she was a child. She has not cooperated with her second brother for a long time.

"OK, the Yangtze River is in place! Yellow River, please go

Gu Qijue originally thought that she would not get her sister's response. Suddenly, she heard her voice and her eyes lit up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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