"Brother in law! How can you say that? Even a CI said it himself. It's just a joke between their sisters.

Yun'er usually persuades a CI. Don't you see it in your eyes? "

Just for a moment, mother and daughter are already full of tears, weeping pear with rain, I see still pity.

"A CI is my niece. When my sister left early, I took her as my half daughter.

If I instigate a CI, what good will it do to me?

If I really want to destroy Gu family, why don't I instigate Gu Qian and Xiao Qi? "

Su Furong looks like she wants to show her heart to Gu Qingyuan. Xu Yuner stands up on the spot and kneels down in front of Gu Qingyuan with a plop.

"Uncle, I can't admit what I haven't done. I have a clear conscience, you can't insult my personality

There was no real evidence for the performance, and Lao Gu didn't know what to do.

Gu jiuci took a sneer at the corner of his lips and tried to beat down the mother and daughter overnight. It was really impossible.

"Dad! Don't blame your cousin. It's really our Prank

She made a frightened expression on her face and went to pull Xu yun'er on the ground.

"Cousin, get up! Don't ignore me

"All right, all right, get up!"

Gu Qingyuan took advantage of the situation to raise his hand, but his eyes were no longer looking at their mother and daughter.

Xu yun'er is relieved and stands up again with Gu jiuci's strength.

Although the atmosphere seems to return to just now, nothing happened.

But it has changed.

"OK, OK, let's continue to celebrate with AKI."

Su Furong is holding up her glass.

Everyone raised their glasses, as if to announce the end of the farce.

Gu jiuci also pretended that nothing happened and raised his glass.

It seems that everything is calm, but the seeds of doubt have been planted quietly.

Gu's eyes indifferently avoided Su Furong's mother and daughter, and looked at her lovingly.

"Since we have decided to take the road of actors, do you have any idea how to develop in the future?"

"Do you want to open a brokerage company for you? Or set up a personal studio for you? "

Elder brother Gu Qian put down his glass gracefully and asked with concern.

Gu jiuci opened his mouth, and before he could speak, Su Furong beside the wine cup made a confession.

"Ah CI is the apple of our family's eye. Of course, we are going to open a brokerage company! In the future, yun'er will also step into the entertainment industry. Both of them are in their own company, so they can take care of themselves. "

Gu jiuci slightly tilted his head and looked at Su Furong carefully. What a good plan!

I want to tie Xu yun'er with myself in a brokerage company. Even if I can't eat meat, I can also get meat dregs.

Is the meat dregs, are enough for Xu yun'er to walk out of a star road in the entertainment circle!

I think it's beautiful!

"That's a good idea indeed!"

As expected, Lao Gu didn't respond to him for a while, and he made a voice in response to the way.

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