"There are other pressing [biqu Pavilion 520 www.biquge520.vip ]Do you want to ask? "

"Not for the time being."

In fact, Tang Yu has many problems in his heart, but after so many years as a gold medal agent, he can see that Gu jiuci doesn't seem to want to talk more about it now.

"That's good. Settle down today. You'll be busy from tomorrow. I'll go first. "

"Shall I see you off?"

Tang Yu asked more.

"No need."

Gu jiuci turns and shakes her hand. She walks out of the lane. She stops a taxi by the side of the road. She is relieved.

In the previous life, Tang Yu's character was aloof and arrogant, and even some strange. She didn't expect to take it so easily today, which made her a little surprised.

When people are vulnerable, their mind is the weakest.

"Where are you going, little girl?"

"Go to s noble... Go to Xicheng top three hospital of traditional Chinese medicine."

Gu jiuci thought for a while, but there was still a big thing to do, so he changed his mouth again.

The driver's uncle is a very talkative person. When he heard this address, he was busy.

"You're going to the top three hospital of traditional Chinese medicine in Xicheng? Are you going to see doctor Fei? "

"Uncle, have you heard of Fei Lao? His expert number is really difficult to arrange! I've been in line for five days

In the past five days, she was forced to jump the queue by using the hacker program. I'm sorry for other patients.

"Five days are short. It's hard for Fei Lao's expert number to be on the list for ten and a half days. However, he never failed in treating stomach disease. The mother-in-law of my wife's unit was cured by him!"

"That's great, uncle. You can hurry up. I'm afraid I'll be late, so I'll pass the number..."

when I arrived at the third class a hospital in Xicheng, Gu jiuci really saw Fei Lao's powerful.

Even if she got the number, she had to wait for more than an hour, but this trip was really worth it.

Fei is always an amiable old man. In only one and a half hours, she seems to have opened up a new world and learned a lot about gastropathy and home care.

Moreover, she simply said a few symptoms, and Fei could deduce other symptoms, even details that she did not notice.

It was as if Fei had seen this patient for a long time and knew it like the palm of his hand.

Gu jiuci can't help feeling that Fei Laozhen is a god man!

Before leaving, Fei old a pair of people's expression, smile of mouth way.

"Little girl, the boy you like must be very happy?"

Gu jiuci was stunned for a moment and quickly denied: "no, no, Mr. Fei, you misunderstood me. I just care about him very much, and I haven't arrived yet..."

haven't you enjoyed it yet?

"Grandfather Fei, I've been here. Your expression has exposed you! I hope you two will be happy forever

Fei Lao didn't wait for her to finish, he interrupted her and said meaningfully.

Gu jiuci couldn't refute it, so he went out to fill the medicine with a red face.

She did not notice that Fei was staring at her back all the time, and he was smiling with deep meaning.

Coming out of the clinic, Gu jiuci took the prescription and went straight to the prescription. He grabbed a lot of medicine. Just as he was about to turn around and go out, he suddenly heard a voice with surprise behind him.

"A CI? Is that you? "

Gu jiuci frowned fiercely. How can you meet Xu yun'er in this place?

Without waiting for her to turn around, Xu yun'er has forced to gather in front of her.

"It's you! A word! I thought I was wrong

With a smile on her face, Xu yun'er glances down at Gu jiuci's medicine in her hand, which makes her more excited.

Because of the drawing, Jiang Yutang had a stomachache attack because he was in a hurry. He was admitted to the third grade hospital of traditional Chinese medicine in Xicheng District.

Yesterday, Jiang Yutang had to ask her to come to the hospital to serve him. Unexpectedly, he met Gu jiuci here today.

Before Gu jiuci's performance, she always thought that Gu jiuci did not love Jiang Yutang.

I didn't expect Jiang Yutang to be ill all his life. Gu jiuci came in a hurry!

"Ah Ci, I said that you did not forget the Yutang schoolmaster! You still have him in your heart

Xu yun'er sneered at her expression.

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