Jiang Yutang's face changed and he sat down on the bed.

"Gu jiuci is so heartless. I've been ill and hospitalized. Shouldn't her first girlfriend come to see me?"

Xu yun'er stares at Jiang Yutang with a complicated complexion. She sees him in a slovenly patient's uniform, with a ragged beard sitting on the bed, with a pair of Diao silk on his feet.

Compared with Huo Mingche as a god like man, it is a heaven and a earth. If she Gu jiuci, she will definitely choose Huo Mingche.

All of a sudden, her heart suddenly trembled, cautiously opened her mouth: "should not... Ah CI really don't like you?"

"No way! I'm her first love. Has she changed her love in just a few days? "

Jiang Yutang, like a cat being trampled on its tail, immediately jumped up and stared at Xu yun'er with a bad look. No one could step on his self-esteem.

Xu yun'er thought of the next plan, endure the displeasure in the heart and comfort Jiang Yutang.

"You're right. Maybe a CI is too strict under Huo Mingche's control for the time being, but it's no way to go on like this. We must let him show his horse's feet!"

"By the way, you told me on the phone yesterday that you have a solution. Tell me quickly. What can I do?"

Jiang Yutang immediately came to the party. Now that the Chiang family is in deep debt crisis, Gu jiuci has to pay to tide over the difficulties for the Jiang family!

"It's very simple. Since Huo Mingche doesn't believe the videos and photos we've taken before, let Huo Mingche see you with a CI!

Didn't you find out about Huo Mingche's flight? When the time comes, you will...

Xu yun'er is proud of himself and whispers to Jiang Yutang.

From time to time, some words such as "strong kiss", "strong embrace" and "dizziness" came out.

Jiang Yutang listened and listened, his face slowly emerged proud smile.

"It's up to you! There is no way to retreat this time, so I can only throw myself into my arms


in the evening, as soon as Gu jiuci got home, Tang Yu sent a message saying that he had settled down. He also made a questionnaire and sent it to her.

Gu jiuci lies in bed and opens two forms to check. After carefully reading the contents of the two forms, she finally understands the reason why Tang Yu became a gold medal agent.

The living schedule is accurate to seconds. It's really abnormal!

Gu jiuci relieved to transfer the tens of millions of cards to Tang Yu's card. After two minutes, the other party immediately called.

"Miss Gu, did you call me so easily? We haven't even signed a contract yet

On the phone, Tang Yu's tone was very surprised.

"Since I use you, I absolutely trust you. I can make up for it after the contract. One of the two most important things at the moment is to deal with the rumors yourself. On the other hand, I auditioned for the role of Mucheng in the most beautiful hour light. The production team only signed a contract with the brokerage company. I need you to handle it immediately. "

"Yes, give me three days, and I will handle it properly."

Gu jiuci voice down, Tang Yu immediately serious commitment.

"That's good. Go to bed early."

Gu jiuci hung up and was glad to find a very labor-saving agent.

She stretched out, her eyes fell on the wechat interface, unconsciously point into the chat window with the big devil.

"Big villain! I didn't know to send me a message even though I had been abroad for so many days! "

Gu jiuci mumbled a sentence, angrily put the mobile phone under the pillow, turned over and went to sleep.

She didn't know that such a behavior was missing someone...

the next morning, she was pulled out of the classroom by Xu Yuner with an anxious face www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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