When he came out of the shopping mall, Gu jiuci took a taxi to go home because his company was still busy.

Just walked to the door, he saw Jiang Yutang standing at the intersection, staring at her with gloomy eyes.

Gu jiuci in the bottom of the heart cold hook up the corner of the lip, after that dream, she saw that Jiang Yutang heart has no any fluctuations.

The only thing I can think of in my mind is how to make him miserable!

Without waiting for her to speak, Jiang Yutang took the initiative to walk towards her. Seeing her now, this wretched man's eyes flashed with amazement, and then the whole person became more obscene.

"I didn't expect you to clean up. It's pretty good."

Jiang Yutang stares at Gu jiuci, intending to intimidate her. Unexpectedly, Gu jiuci changes her memory and becomes intellectually elegant. After washing off those non mainstream makeup, she looks better than anyone else.

He could not help but think that he had not tasted the taste of this woman, so he immediately changed his mind, pretending to be gentle.

"A CI, I heard that you came to make trouble with the old man of our company with the share certificate to attract my attention, didn't you? You won, and I notice you now, standing in front of you

Gu jiuci looked at Jiang Yutang's affectation, and felt very sick.

Before she began to hate him, Jiang Yutang opened his mouth again.

"You know, what men hate most is women's mischief. Don't make any more mischief. I can still consider marrying you. Although you can't match me now, I can still do it..."

"Jiang Yutang! Shut your mouth

Gu jiuci opened his mouth coldly. The cold tone almost killed people. Jiang Yutang opened his mouth in amazement.

He looked at her in shock as if he didn't know her. When Gu jiuci faced him in the past, he always whispered softly. He never dared to say heavy words, let alone use such a tone and disgusted expression to shut him up.

Is this waste of love brain, really do not feel to oneself?

"The biggest failure of my life is that I was blindfolded by your dog when I was young. And now, I'm going to erase this failure! "

When it comes to the last two words, Gu jiuci's voice is cold and full of killing intention.

Jiang Yutang had never seen Gu jiuci in such an aura. He was immediately shocked and then forced to raise his hand calmly.

All of a sudden, a dozen strong men came out around and surrounded Gu jiuci.

"I didn't expect you to be enlightened. It's even easier."

Jiang Yutang's eyes flashed cold, since Xu yun'er and Su Furong were pushed out to carry the pot, he was even more ruthless, women, is not to use it?

When this woman is worthless, it's time to discard it.

Gu jiuci stepped back a few steps, and then took out his mobile phone. Jiang Yutang immediately gave a proud smile.

"Want to call the police? The police don't care about you. I'm the president of Jiang's family. I don't know how much tax I pay to the emperor every year. As long as I move my finger, everyone thinks you're a dead man. "

"Is it?"

Gu jiuci's eyes flashed a cold, intriguing smile of the corners of his lips.

"It saved me a lot of things."

"What do you mean by that?"

Jiang Yutang frowned and Gu jiuci's tone was not right. In a flash, seven or eight masked men in black fell from all directions, and these people were more robust than Jiang Yutang had called for. From their skills, we can see that they are professional.

"Please beat me up

Gu jiuci coolly spits out eight words. Before Jiang Yutang and his running dog react, they fall into a scream.

"Ah, ah! You dare to beat me. I am the president of Jiang! I'll make you sick... Poof

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