"Before, I didn't understand why he was so obsessive, I hated him so much, he still refused to divorce, and even..."

even because of paranoia, his temper became more and more uncontrollable in front of her, more and more like a monster.

"Now that you've changed roles, you've been chasing him. Have you finally realized that?"

Si Chen very understand, then her words open a way.


Gu jiuci can't deny nodding.

She is now restraining her emotions, her possessiveness to the great demon king, restraining herself from using extreme methods, and restraining herself from blackening.

She did not know how hard Huo Mingche's hopeless love was, but now she finally realized it.

In the face of a person who no longer love you, a person to keep your past agreement, a person to work alone. It's like running a long marathon in the dark. There's no stele, no end, and you're the only one.

The next morning,

Gu jiuci had just finished blowing his hair, and the doorbell rang at the door. In the video phone, ye Kan held his clothes in his left hand and his breakfast in his right hand, standing at the door without love.

Gu jiuci sorted out his expression at the bottom to make him look serious. Then he opened the door and let Ye Kan in.

"Your clothes, change them quickly."

Ye Kan said impatiently, holding up his clothes.

"Put it there. I don't wear it today."

Gu jiuci took breakfast to the table and said with a light expression.

"What are you talking about? You don't wear it? So you want me to get it? Do you know how long I was surrounded by aunts in Gan's

Gu jiuci's heart is about to laugh crazy, dry cleaners there often gather some older aunts, because there is a blind date corner in this rich area.

However, on the surface, she still maintains the high cold human settings, white leaf Kan one eye.

"So that's why you're late?"


Ye Kan's liver ache!

At this time, Gu jiuci had finished breakfast, put on lipstick and got up.

"Well, let's go."

Ye Kan subconsciously pulled the paper bag on the table, and was immediately angry.

"Gu jiuci! Did you eat all that? Don't you know if I have some left? "

"I didn't say I'd invite you to breakfast. Isn't it your own business?"

Gu jiuci did not go back to go forward. What he said made Ye Kan cry.

At this time, ye Kan's stomach is still gurgling, which makes him even more desolate.

Gu's distance from where he lived was North and south of the city. The early high wind road in the imperial capital was extremely blocked. He got up early in order not to make any mistakes. As a result, he was so busy that he didn't eat anything.

Grievance broke out completely at this moment!

"Gu jiuci, why do you owe so much? Try to torture me

At this time, Gu jiuci walked to the side of the car door and just looked back at Ye Kan.

"Didn't I learn from you? How can I behave so badly with such a good master as you? Master ye, if you have nothing to do, you are not bad at finding problems and meeting people. Do you want me to learn one for you now


Ye Kan reached out to cover his chest angrily, and he felt that he had a level 10 internal injury!

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