He was wandering in the sky, but he didn't notice the slowly moving cabin door. It seemed that there was a person standing...

'surpase! '

Huo Mingche was about to take a step, when a dark shadow came straight to his arms.

His first reaction was to pinch the man's throat, but when he heard the soft cry, he instinctively changed his action and took her initiative to catch her, and she still threw herself into his arms.

"Brother Che, are you surprised or not

Gu jiuci tightly hugs Huo Mingche's thin and shapeless waist. The whole person leans in his arms and stares at him with a smile. His eyes, which are as bright as stars, completely reflect Huo Mingche's face at the moment.

The pupil of man's ancient well no wave finally had apparent vibration, even some can't believe.

Just at this moment, the next plane to the United States, can take off.

So... She didn't go with Jiang Yutang. She chose him? Or...

Zhan Ying's eyes widened and he rubbed with disbelief.

"You, you, you... Why are you here?"

"Of course, I came to pick up my brother Che ~"

Gu jiuci answered naturally, and boldly raised his hand and gently hammered the devil on the shoulder.

"I checked the flight, I knew you would come back early, so I came to pick you up. Are you happy?"

She was like a lovely rabbit lying on his chest, a pair of big eyes blinking for his response.

"Are you here to pick me up?"

"I'm here to pick you up, of course. Who else am I going to pick you up?"

Gu jiuci pretended to have no idea, and then suddenly thought of something. He loosened Huo Mingche, picked up the bag on the ground, and took out a bunch of colorful roses from it.

"Warmly welcome the first commander of the imperial capital to go home ~ ~"

Huo Mingche was a little stunned. He lowered his head and looked down on the big bunch of flowers and subconsciously took it over.

Zhan Ying on one side was shocked. He followed the master in his open crotch pants. He never saw the master collect any girl's flowers!

"Shall we go home? I have other surprises for you! "

Gu jiuci smilingly pulls a corner of Huo Mingche's sleeve and pulls him to get off the plane.

She had just stepped down the first step when her fingers were tightly wrapped by the man's big hands.

Gu jiuci bowed his head and slightly hooked his lips. In the place where Huo Mingche couldn't see, he couldn't see his teeth with a smile.

Zhan Ying opened his mouth and saw that the atmosphere was so good that he didn't say anything. He followed him silently and quietly let those men withdraw.

Not far from the gate, across a huge landing glass wall, Xu yun'er stares at the intimate two people outside, pale.

At this time, Xu yun'er's mobile phone rang, which was called by Jiang Yutang.

"Yun'er, have you seen Gu jiuci start with your own eyes? The plane flew out, I didn't see her appear?!

Don't you say that the scheme is infallible? "

On the phone, Jiang Yutang asked in a very bad tone.

Xu yun'er listened to the heart more irritable, the first impatient reply.

"It seems that Gu jiuci really doesn't love you anymore. I saw her pick up Huo Mingche. They have left the airport!"

"What are you talking about?! A CI can't not love me, I'm her first love

Xu yun'er no longer wants to listen to Jiang Yutang's platitudes, "pa" a hang up the phone.



On the bus, Gu jiuci sneezed again. At once, a coat with a man's residual temperature fell on her shoulder.


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