Gu jiuci sighed silently in the bottom of his heart and decided not to argue.

After all, the person who helped the great demon dream was Dr. Eden. She didn't know everything in the dream. How much did Dr. Eden know.

And now, she has more important things to do.

"Dr. Eden, Huo Mingche has completely forgotten me now. It should be that he was forced to take a drug for amnesia just like I used to be. However, the drug he took may have been strengthened. I have some information about this drug here. Would you please have a look? Is there any way to restore his memory?"

Gu jiuci takes out a paper-based document from her bag. This is the lab where she hacked Lin Shujing that day. Many of the materials are in encrypted state. For the time being, she has no way to untie them all. She can only show some of them to Dr. Yideng.

"Let me see what kind of Frankenstein invented this medicine."

Yi Deng takes over these materials with excitement on his face and looks at them with interest.

Gu jiuci looked at his face and couldn't help but murmured in his heart. Compared with the science geek in the underground laboratory, Yideng in front of him was more like a science geek.

However, after half an hour, Yideng's expression became more and more dignified, and finally even severely frowned.

"Where did you get this information?"

Yi Deng asked with a serious look on his face.

Gu jiuci thought for a moment, but decided to tell Yi Deng the truth.

"In my dream, I found out that Lin Shujing had a medical company specializing in drug research and development. After I woke up, I immediately launched an investigation in this area. Only then did I know that the Lin family had been engaged in the pharmaceutical industry, and that Lin Shujing did have such an underground laboratory in the United States.

I... I sent someone to hack their lab, so I found some information. "

"I see."

Yideng nodded to understand, then pointed to one page of the data and explained.

"I have to say that this man is crazy, but he is a genius indeed."

Hearing Yi Deng's praise of this bad science weirdo, Gu jiuci's heart sank fiercely.

"You mean..."

"at present, the information you have given does not fully introduce the formula of this medicine, but from the ingredients I have seen, it is very difficult for Huo Mingche to restore his memory."

Yideng said this sentence, the whole room fell into a disappointed silence.

Si Chen looks at Gu jiuci worried and can't help asking for her.

"Doctor, is there nothing you can do? As long as you say it, I will try my best. "

"It's almost as if there is no way. At most, just like the past therapy, take Huo Mingche to the place where you have deep memory and try to reproduce the original scene, so as to stimulate his cerebral cortex.

However, the probability of success of this method is only one in 100000. "

Only one out of 100000 people is lucky enough to think of the past.

Gu jiuci instantly widened his eyes. In the dream, the great devil went to Africa at all costs to look for gems for her, in exchange for the star of Africa, and left the wind chime grass for her.

At that time, did he know that there was only one in 100000 chance for her to recover her memory?

"Dr. Eden, did you say that to Huo Mingche , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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