Gu jiuci still shakes his head. Lin Shujing has nothing to cry about.

"Why on earth is that, you tell grandfather quickly!"

Grandfather Huo spread his hands and clapped his thigh in a hurry. Looking at his anxious appearance, Gu jiuci finally couldn't help it. He threw himself into his arms and began to cry.

"Grandfather, can't I go back any more? Can't I go back to the past?"

Huo grandfather was shocked, but soon he reached out and gently patted her back. The voice slowly vomited out word by word to comfort her.

Just like when she was a child, no matter what she cried for, Grandpa Huo would calm her down in this way.

"Why did AKI go back to the past?"

"Grandfather, I made a lot of mistakes, I want to make up for them."

Gu jiuci wants to return to the dream now. In the dream, she has worked hard to achieve a happy ending. But now, everything is too late. Everything has to start from the beginning. Efforts may not have results.

She's really... So tired!

People always in front of their close relatives, just dare to collapse without scruple.

"Can you make up for your mistakes only by going back to the past?"

Grandfather Huo suddenly asked.

Gu jiuci was slightly stunned, and he also made a hiccup of crying. He looked up at Grandpa Huo foolishly.

"Can you make up for your mistakes only by going back to what happened?"

Huo asked again patiently.

"But I have made a serious mistake. Can I really make up for it?"

These days, she has been trying hard, but her heart is still very uneasy, she can have 100% assurance of revenge, but not a sure, let those who have been hurt by her, forgive her.

"If you don't try, there will never be an answer. What's more, grandfather can't give you the answer. The answer to the question is all from yourself. "

Huo grandfather put a chess piece in her palm, and then recovered to an old urchin's expression.

"Don't cry. It's the old rule to play chess with my grandfather. If you win, my grandfather will give you a snack."

"Grandfather can't win me every time."

Although the problem has not been solved, but do not know why, Gu jiuci once had a kind of sudden open-minded feeling, her action rough wipe tears, holding the white hand, directly fell on the chessboard.

"Hey! Well, you're a little sorry, grandfather. I just comforted you. You don't know to let him do it! "

"My grandfather has lived for so many years, and he has already become a shrewd old immortal. Will you or I still eat snacks?"

"Hum! Why didn't I give you a snack? "

Grandfather Huo snorted angrily, and fell on the chessboard. In fact, Gu jiuci knew that his grandfather was not angry at all.

Unknowingly, two people under the next to the night.

"Grandfather, I should go home and go to bed, or I will be late for work tomorrow."

Gu jiuci put the chess pieces back into the basket, but Huo's grandfather still had a lot to do.

"No, no, I didn't win a game today. You can't go! Don't we have rooms in our house! "

Just at this time, aunt Ming came in with a snack and heard the words of grandfather Huo, and said in good time.

"Master, you forget that the guest room of our house is now...

aunt Ming didn't go on talking about it, but she was rather embarrassed.

Gu jiuci understood what she meant. Naturally, the Huo family didn't lack guest rooms, but the ex-wife and fiancee stayed at the Huo's house together. If it spread out that...

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