In response to Zhan Ying, there was silence.

The man lowered the window, and his deep eyes fell on the rapidly retrogressive scenery outside the window. The sun suddenly disappeared into the clouds, and the scenery on the earth immediately became gray.

Do you believe her completely?

He has done so many times, but not once in exchange for hope.

Xiaojiu'er, is this your true heart or your longer lie?

On the Boulevard,

Gu jiuci just took out his mobile phone and changed his new number to a note.

As soon as I looked up, the sky didn't know when it was overcast. The air was humid and sultry. The weather in June changed as it was said. It seemed that there was going to be a heavy rain.

"It's time to practice."

She immediately quickened her pace and ran towards the music teaching building. Just as she was walking to the door of the teaching building, a girl came out of the building. Gu jiuci did not control the speed for a moment. Shengsheng and the girl collided and threw the person to the ground.

It's too late! Between the electric light and flint, Gu jiuci can only reach out quickly, with instinct to protect the back of the girl's head, but fall with her on the ground.


With a "plop" sound, the girl who was hit immediately gave a cry of pain. Then she opened her eyes suddenly and saw an angel like face magnified in front of her.

Then the angel like face showed a puzzled expression: "Lu Xiaosang, how are you here?"

Looking at Gu jiuci from such a close distance, he was rescued by the hero of the other side. At that moment, Lu Xiaosang, as a straight woman, almost bent.


Lu Xiaosang covered his heart and couldn't say a complete sentence for a while.

Gu jiuci saw this, but shook his head. He stood up first, and then pulled up Lu Xiaosang. He asked seriously.

"It's time for early reading. Why do you slip out of class if you don't read well in the classroom?"

"I didn't skip classes. I'm from the school radio station. I came to the music teaching building for an exclusive interview just now."

Lu Xiaosang suddenly returned to his senses and quickly explained.

"An interview in the music teaching building in the early morning?"

Gu jiuci holds his chin in one hand and stares at Lu Xiaosang suspiciously. His face is full of disbelief.

Even art students seldom come to the music teaching building so early to practice. After all, there is only less than a month left before the college entrance examination.

"Really, don't you know that Si Chen went back to school after winning the grand prize abroad?"

Lu Xiaosang hastily opened his mouth to clarify, for fear that Gu jiuci would not believe it. He also pointed to it to let Gu jiuci see it.

As soon as Gu jiuci looked up, he found two huge red banners hanging in the music teaching building.

"Warmly welcome our excellent student, Mr. Si Chen, who won the silver award of the 6th golden butterfly award youth group! Come back with honor

Sichen... Is back!

Gu jiuci's subconscious violent shock, fingers subconsciously squeezed tightly, clenched into a fist.

Lu Xiaosang didn't notice Gu jiuci's difference, and continued to speak with a strong effort.

"It's said that the silver medal of the golden butterfly award is a big prize in the world. The headmaster is also very happy. Let's make an exclusive interview at the radio station immediately. During today's recess, it should be played in the whole school circularly." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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