Hawkes, Lin Shujing's office.

Jiang Yutang dropped the phone. Lin Shu's eyes were red. He reached out and swept all the things on the table to the ground. The assistant heard the news and rushed in immediately.

"Mr. Lin, are you ok?"

Lin Shujing shook her head and did not speak.

The assistant has long been used to picking up all the things on the ground and picking them up again.

"Mr. Lin, what happened just now that is worth your anger?"

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Shujing seems to have never been angry, but this little assistant has seen Lin Shujing in all kinds of dark times.

"Jiang Yutang is disobedient. He didn't ask Yang Yun to cooperate with Li. He asked me to carry the pot!"

Lin Shu clapped his palm on the desk, and the assistant's face immediately became gloomy.

"Do you want to teach Jiang Yutang a lesson to let them know that they didn't know which spring onion it was if you didn't plan for them at the beginning?"

"The time is not yet ripe."

Lin Shujing frowned and shook her hand.

"My pharmaceutical company has not yet been listed, and it is still time to get both of them. When my company goes public..."

Lin Shujing said that, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

"But what I'm worried about now is whether it's Gu jiuci's conspiracy, which has become more and more difficult to control since she recovers her memory."

After hearing this, the assistant didn't care.

"She just restores her memory, but she is still a waste. After my investigation these days, Gu jiuci can't turn over the sky."

"Talk about it."

Lin Shujing looks up at the assistant.

"From that day, Gu jiuci found a group of social people to make a big fuss about the engagement ceremony. She knew that she was impulsive and didn't use her brain, but she had a woman named sichen to help her plan. After that, Gu jiuci went to the prison to visit Gu Qian. After she came out of the prison, she went to the bank to take the legacy left by her parents, and then she found Li Feihong. One thing can be seen from these things.

That is, Gu jiuci was able to do all these things with the help of experts. Without their guidance, she was still a straw bag herself. Otherwise, he would not have done something like gambling with Jiang Yutang at the general meeting of shareholders and smashing his good cards in vain.

It's a pity that her elder brother and her parents have paved the way for her. In other words, general manager Lin has already taken Jiang back, but she has made no progress at all! "

"You have a point in saying that."

Lin Shujing narrowed her eyes slightly and was convinced by the assistant's words. After all, normal people must have driven Jiang Yutang out of the company under such advantages, but Gu jiuci wasted a good opportunity.

"It's just that at the moment, Gu jiuci is protected by Mr. Huo, and everyone appreciates her for her cooperation. Mr. Lin, I think it's better to let her participate in the project, so that we can see that she is actually a waste. When the time comes, she can get out of the Huo family, so that she can't affect the relationship between you and Huo

The assistant said with a sinister smile.

"This step can be tried, but it is not enough to drive her out of Huo's family. I want her to give up on Huo Mingche completely!"

Lin Shujing is playing with the pen in her hand. When she says the last word, her eyes are cold.

Gu jiuci's office,

she just came back from a trip to the devil's office, only to find out that he went to the hospital for reconstruction today and did not come to the company.

"What a boring day..."

she was about to take out her mobile phone and send a wechat to the demon king, when the internal phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, who is it?"

"It's me."

Hearing Lin Shujing's voice, Gu jiuci's face immediately hung down, even a smile was too lazy to show.

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