"Oh, all right. How's everything going in here?"

Gu jiuci asked as she got off the bus. At the moment, her mood was inexplicably nervous.

"According to your previous orders, we used the remaining money to pay the deposit of the building and renovate it. Now it's the end of the story."

Ziwei's tone was a little excited. Although he believed that Gu Qian could eventually lead everyone back to Gu's family, he didn't expect that it would be so soon, let alone that Gu jiuci should be responsible for this.

"Didn't we say we didn't have enough money?"

Gu jiuci was slightly surprised. For the last share fight with Jiang Yutang, she was almost used up by the money given to her by shisan.

"Thanks to Jiang Yutang. After he sold the building, he didn't want people to remember it. So he spread the news about the bad luck of the building. Business people were more or less superstitious. They heard that Gu's house was bankrupt. In the end, the price and popularity of the building became worse. Even the companies in the nearby office buildings moved away.

On the contrary, we picked up a big bargain. After paying the deposit, we still have the remaining money for decoration. As long as we pay the balance within one year, it will not be a problem. "

"I see. Jiang Yutang is still so clever. "

Gu Jiu said clearly, and finally understood the reason.

"Ziwei, you can rest assured that we will pay the balance soon."

"I think so too. As long as Jiang Yutang signs with Li, he will lose. Miss Gu, shall we go up and have a look? "

Ziwei suggested with a smile.

Gu jiuci thought about it for a while. He came here. Of course, he had to go up and have a good look.

In fact, in addition to her childhood, she didn't come to the building of her own home, and she had a vague impression.

She followed Ziwei up the stairs and simply walked through the staff office area and the high-rise offices. To her surprise, Ziwei prepared an office for her.

Different from other offices, the walls are painted with girl powder, and the decoration inside is sweet and warm.

Gu jiuci sits on the pink boss chair and smiles at Ziwei.

"I love this office. Thank you, Ziwei."

"You're welcome. I admire Miss Gu's business talent. In the future, it's not Mr. Gu who supports this company."

Ziwei's meaningful opening, Gu jiuci immediately understood.

In this way, he wants to let her stay in the company and share the work for the elder brother in the future.

"I really want to give my elder brother a holiday. You see, he is almost thirty, and he has no girlfriend."

"Yes, I'm worried about him, too."

Ziwei is particularly on the road of succession.

"By the way, I asked you to investigate Lin Shujing company and Liu Xiang's account fund under her name. How is it going?"

After the joke, Gu's words returned to business.

"Oh, there are a lot of them already."

Ziwei immediately took out his mobile phone, sent a specific report to Gu jiuci's mailbox, and then introduced it.

"I found that for so many years, Lin Shujing's account capital flow is very huge, but judging from her company's annual financial report, the current situation is very strange!"

"Let me know what you're saying."

Gu jiuci sits upright. She has long felt that Lin Shujing's financial affairs are in trouble!

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