"How can..."

the girl immediately ran to the window and listened more carefully. At this time, the music of "Liangzhu" just stopped.

"Ah... How could she pick up the violin again, who had never been in love for a long time?"

Sichen's face led a touch of bitter ridicule, she may be too tired these two days, will have such a ridiculous illusion.

In the music classroom upstairs,

Gu jiuci had just realized that she had played a piece of "Liangzhu". She stopped immediately when her mobile phone rang, and it was Shu Ya, the author of the most beautiful hour light.

"Hello? Is it convenient to answer the phone now

"Convenient, what's the matter?"

Gu jiuci closed the window and walked to the middle of the classroom.

"Well, all the casting work for the most beautiful hour is over. Before entering the group, you should also make up the characters and shoot posters. Most importantly, the script has been changed, and a large part of it has a great deal to do with you. "

"New changes?"

Gu jiuci immediately grasped the key point and immediately asked. Many TV dramas adapted from novels often meet with writers' magic novels. This time, the writer of the novel acted as a screenwriter. She was relieved, but now she has to change the script.

Or did she get involved in the play and change the course of things?

"What kind of changes?"

"Don't worry, it's a change that's good for you."

Shuya probably recognized the worry in her tone and quickly explained.

"The last time I saw your performance with director Lee Le'an, I always thought that you and Mu Chen were really too close to each other, so we discussed and planned to enrich your story line and add more parts for you."

Hearing Shuya's words, Gu jiuci was relieved, but suddenly remembered a more important thing.

"Sister Shuya, there should be no emotional drama in the added part?"

If there is emotional drama, then don't say acting, the big devil will be crazy!

At the thought of Huo Mingche's cold eyes and iceberg face, Gu jiuci couldn't help but shiver.

"Ha ha ha, I'd like to give you more emotional drama, but you are a senior three student now. I can't do it."

Shu Ya didn't realize that Gu jiuci didn't want emotional drama. She thought she was looking forward to emotional drama, and then she comforted her.

"Don't worry, little girl. When you are admitted to university, my sister will arrange a love play for you after the next remake of her book ~"

Gu jiuci knows that Shuya has misunderstood her, but she can't explain so much, so she has to change the topic.

"I see. Can I see the revised script?"

"Of course, that's what I'm calling you about. You have to study the script carefully, and before you take a set-up photo, all the actors have to meet and have a script study

Shuya said solemnly.

All the actors? It means that everyone is determined. What about Xu yun'er?

"Sister Shuya, can I ask who the actors who have played against me now? I am a new person. I want to know about your preferences in advance. I don't want to have unnecessary friction with you in this respect. "

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. The script I sent you has the corresponding list of all actors and characters, but it's a first-class secret. At least, you can't disclose it to the public until the fixed makeup photos are released."

on the other side of the phone, Shuya also warned seriously.

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