Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind

Chapter 101 - Only People I Know

Julian didn't care what Qiara said, he continued his steps towards the exit.

Instantly Qiara covered her face by hiding behind Julian's jacket because she glanced at everyone who tried to take her photo.

"Doesn't he think before acting, but why is he suddenly here?" Inner Qiara. 

"Wait!". Laurent blocks Julian and Qiara's way because there is something she wants to know.

"Laurent, what are you doing? Why did you stop Mr. Ju's steps?". Florent whispered sarcastically.

"I will find justice for you". After saying that, Laurent continued her steps closer to Julian, who seemed to have stopped when he heard her scream.

"Mr. Ju ... Who is the woman in your arms?". Laurent asked directly in an impolite tone. 

Hearing Laurent's question, Qiara was shocked and then she opened the cover of her face and gave Julian a deadly look.

"Julian ... Don't say that I am your wife! If you say it, I will destroy my life this very second and I will not forgive you for the rest of my life". Inner Qiara with an increasingly sharp gaze. 

Julian is not stupid, he really understands the meaning of that gaze, but he likes to see Qiara who keeps giving him glare.

"A unique girl, doesn't she realize that if everyone knows that she is Julian's wife, she will not be treated badly by other people. But this is her whose mind is very strange and unique". Inner Julian smilingly looked at Qiara.

"Mr. Ju, tell me! Who is the woman you are carrying?". Asked Laurent again impatiently. 

Florent's expression turned dark seeing her sister's behavior, but she and everyone were also curious about Julian and Qiara's relationship so they were silent waiting for Julian's answer.

"This girl really makes me dizzy, her childish behavior is very disturbing. Hopefully Julian doesn't take offense". Florent thought anxiously. 

"She is..". Said Julian quietly and paused for a moment to take a breath, Qiara and the others became tense and impatient waiting for Julian's answer.

"Not Julian! I will not forgive you, if you tell the truth then I will run from you". Inner Qiara while biting her lip. 

"She's just a person I know". Julian said, continuing his sentence which was delayed by the breath he had to take at such a time. 

Hearing Julian's answer, Qiara took a sigh of relief as did Florent who still had a chance. 

Others feel disappointed because they don't have other gossip material because the scenes they see are not what they imagined. 

"I almost would have been caught if I had married a perverted old man. In front of the crowd he looked very good. But when in front of me he even acted as he pleased. You two-faced man. Inner Qiara grinning at Julian. 

"She's just a person Mr. Ju knows. So, don't be jealous!". Laurent whispered happily because she had succeeded in making her sister calm down again.

"I will take care of you at home later. Because you have dared to act disrespectfully and very presumptuously to Mr. Ju by shouting and touching Mr. Ju's private affairs". whispered Florent sarcastically. However, on the other hand, she was happy because the girl was not Julian. 

Meanwhile, after giving everyone answers about Qiara. Julian continued his journey without turning to the crowd who were still watching him. 

Not long after that Julian brought Qiara into the car.

While waiting for his assistant to return to take care of the chaos in the restaurant. Julian turned to Qiara with a complicated expression. Qiara just looked down in shame to remember what had happened.

"Is there anything you want to say?". Julian asked after being silent for a while.

"I'm not wrong, I wasn't the one who started it! I'm a silly girl, but I never attack people who don't attack me. That too is for self-defense. So, don't scold me! I'm lazy and tired of arguing". Qiara said while looking down in a weak voice. 

Hearing what Qiara said, Julian took a deep breath. After that he pulled Qiara's body into his embrace. 

For some reason, Qiara felt comfortable and then sobbed in Julian's arms.

"Vania ... I often ask why you asked me to marry your little sister who is very stubborn. Now, little by little I understand what you mean. This little girl is very innocent and honest. Is there anything I don't know about her anymore? Please give me a hint Vania! So that I don't make the wrong decision! ". Inner Julian, patting Qiara's shoulder.

"Trust me! I did nothing wrong!". Said Qiara again with a sigh.

"Don't talk anymore! You know that I will stay on your side no matter what. If you are wrong, then I will only remind you in a quiet place where there are only the two of us". Julian said with a sweet smile.

"Thank you!". Qiara replied in a low voice.

"I am your husband, so you don't need to be grateful!".

Qiara immediately nodded at what Julian said. 

Not long after that, Julian was surprised because he no longer heard Qiara's voice. Out of curiosity, he peeked at Qiara's face, who was hiding in his broad chest.

"Geez ... I can't believe that she can sleep after crying? Is this the other side of her?" Julian thought, smiling amusedly seeing Qiara, who suddenly slept soundly in his arms. 

"Boss, I've finished it!". Andi said after he got into the car and sat quietly in front.

"Ssstt ...". Julian put his index finger towards Andi so that he did not make a sound anymore.

Andi immediately nodded because he understood what his boss meant when he saw Qiara asleep in Julian's arms.

"We are at my house!". Exclaimed Julian in a low voice. 

"Yes Boss!". After saying that, Andi immediately started his car and left the restaurant quickly. 

Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the restaurant is safe again. Florent refused compensation from Andi because she was not a beggar and a poor person who needed money.

"Let's go!". Florent said, grabbing Laurent's arm in annoyance. 

Without saying anything. Laurent followed Florent obediently. However, she has a feeling of worry and fear of being scolded by her sister for acting rashly. 

Meanwhile, Sora sat with her mother, thinking about what she had just witnessed. 

"So, that girl is your friend? She came with you and then offered to help you. Is that so?". Asked Sora's mother after a long silence. 

Without saying anything, Sora nodded with a sad expression.

"Ohhh ... Jeez ... Why don't you talk? If I know she's an acquaintance of Mr. Ju, I will definitely treat her very special. Moreover, Mr. Ju is in the main room for lunch with his client. Will he sue this restaurant? ? ". Sora's mother said worriedly because she knew how Julian was going to run his business.

In town A no one dares to offend him and his closest people if they want to live in peace in town A. 

"Sora has tried to tell you that Qiara is my friend. But Mother just followed your emotions. If my friend is a special person for Tun Ju, chances are our restaurant will be sued ". Sora said irritably. 

Hearing her daughter's explanation, Sora's mother shuddered in horror. Even though her restaurant is in the top ten list of the best restaurants in town A. But, when it comes to Julian, the restaurant is only on the tips of his nails. Just flick it will be destroyed.

"Mom, take it easy, I will try to talk to Qiara when things are calm so that we are safe". Said Sora while holding her mother's hand.

After that she went away from her mother's presence because she was too lazy to hear her mother talk anymore.

Julian's house. 

Not long after, Julian's car arrived in front of his house. The waiter was seen standing at the door to greet him.

"Good afternoon Mr. Ju!". The waiter greeted him when she saw Julian get out of the car carrying Qiara in his arms.

"Have you prepared what I asked for?". Julian asked before he entered his house "Yes sir. The waiter answered clearly and politely.

Hearing the servant's answer, Julian immediately took Qiara into her room.

Not long after that, Julian laid Qiara on the bed when they were in the room.

"My cute little wife. Go to sleep! Next time, I will not let you feel humiliated like that". Julian thought, kissing Qiara's forehead who was fast asleep. 

After enveloping Qiara, Julian came out of his room with a complicated expression. 

He had to go back to the office again to finish his work and organize meetings for his father.

"Waiter ... Please make sure that my wife eats after she wakes up and leaves her alone!". Exclaimed Julian to the waiter.

"I will carry out sir".. Answer the servant obediently and with respect.

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