"Slower, please!". Said Qiara while holding back the pain.

"I'm sorry! Now I'll be even slower!".

After saying that, Julian did it so slowly that Qiara was no longer in pain, and his breathing began to stabilize.

They make love to let go of longing and forget the problems they have gone through.

Making love is Julian's way of releasing tiredness and a lot of thoughts due to the problems he has been facing lately. 

The gunshot wound didn't even hurt because there was only pleasure.

After a few minutes of doing so, Qiara and Julian's bodies collapsed in exhaustion and dissolved into bliss.

The problems they face feel lighter.

"Honey, let's take a shower!" Qiara said while feeling Julian's bare chest.

At that moment Julian frowned, this was the first time Qiara asked him to take a bath together.

"Are you sure you want to do it again in the bathroom?" Julian asked back while tickling Qiara.

"Hahaha.. Julian, amused....". Qiara tried to stop Julian who seemed very happy to tickle her.

"You are naughty ...". Julian said without paying attention to Qiara who tried to stop him. 

"That's not what I meant! But, you have to take a shower first because you haven't showered since yesterday". said Qiara.

"But I still want to be with you!" Julian started to be spoiled for Qiara.

"We can continue later because we have to go to the hospital!". Qiara managed to get rid of Julian's hand which tickled her.

"Gosh... I forgot! Then I'm going to take a shower now!". After that Julian kissed Qiara's lips affectionately. 

After that, Julian immediately went into the bathroom because he didn't want to make Zio wait for him too long.

Just then, Qiara's cell phone rang. Immediately, she took out her cell phone. 

"Oh my gosh... I forgot about Aurel!". Qiara said when she saw the caller ID.

"Hello?". Qiara replied after sliding the green icon on her cellphone.

"Liana... Where are you? Do you still want to rest?". Aurel's voice sounded cynical from the other side of the phone.

Qiara felt bad because she had forgotten that she had a contract with YM Entertainment, not the fine she was afraid of because Julian was ready to pay the fine for her. However, she didn't want to disappoint the many people who had fought for her. 

"Can I rest for one more day? I'm still not feeling well and my face is still puffy from crying last night". Qiara asked carefully.

There was a heavy sigh from the other side of the phone, Qiara also knew that Aurel was hard to give her a break because their schedule was very busy.

"Okay, I'll let you rest one more day. If it wasn't for Kevin, I wouldn't care about you". Aurel said.

"Thank you! I promise to make up for the two days I missed by working even harder!".


After that Qiara hung up the phone while exhaling heavily, Actually she felt guilty for Aurel. However, she had no choice because her condition had not improved.

A few moments later.

Julian came out of the bathroom, he found his wife was pouting while staring at her cell phone.

"What's wrong dear? Are you having a problem?". asked Julian.

Qiara looked up to see her husband who was only wrapped in a white towel.

"I just talked to Aurel, I feel guilty for lying to her. But, I have no choice because today I don't have the confidence to shoot". Qiara replied. 

"Aurel will understand. So, don't frown anymore! You'd better take a shower and then get dressed quickly! After that, we go to the hospital!". Julian said.

Qiara nodded weakly. 

"Oh yeah, how about your wound? Do you need help changing the bandage?". Qiara started to worry because she just remembered the gunshot wound that Julian had.

"Before going home, my bandage was changed by the nurse. So you don't have to worry".

"Thank God. Oh yeah, I just remembered about Mama. Yesterday I wanted to send money for Mama's living expenses in city B. But, my money ran out after buying some of my urgent needs". Qiara looked at Julian with a pitiful face.

"How could your money run out, dear? I've transferred the money to your account every month, have you forgotten?".

Qiara slapped her forehead because she forgot her account which was devoted to saving the money Julian gave her. 

"I forgot to check it... I haven't even used it for a long time. Since I became an artist, I've been using my hard-earned money more". Qiara said while smiling at Julian.

Julian just smiled because he knew that his wife was not a woman who likes to use the money for useless things. 

After that, Qiara took out her cell phone. She checked her other bank account. 

Seeing the nominal in the account balance, Qiara was shocked. 


"Yes?". Julian said as he looked back at Qiara.

"There's a lot of balance in this account, does this mean I'm a rich girl now?". Qiara asked with a perfectly rounded gaze.

"You could say it like that, I fill it every month. So, you don't have to be an artist if you want because the money is more than enough to buy everything you want". Julian smiled as he dried himself with a towel.

"Why are you doing this for me?" Qiara asked in surprise.

"Because you are my wife so you deserve it. So, use it however you want without having to hold back!". Julian replied.

Qiara just nodded at the words of her husband who was too kind. At that moment, Qiara thought that her husband was too generous.

"Honey, don't be silent! Let's take a shower!". Julian pressed after looking at the clock. It was already ten in the morning.

"Yeah, I'm going to take a shower now!" Qiara immediately put down her cellphone, after that she got off the bed and ran to the bathroom naked. 

Julian just shook his head at his cute behavior.

"Honey... I'm going out now to make you breakfast! You go straight to the dining room when you're done showering and dressing up". Julian said.

"Yes". Qiara replied from behind the bathroom door.

Julian immediately came out after putting on all his clothes.

A few moments later.

Qiara came out of the room after getting dressed, she then walked towards the dining room with slow steps.

Not long after, Qiara was surprised to see so many dishes on the dining table.

"Wow... The food is so much, is all this yours?". Qiara asked when she saw Julian coming with plates from the kitchen.

"Liu helped me cook all this. So, you have to eat all of them so that your energy can come back again. Isn't our work very draining of your energy?". Julian said with a wink. 

Immediately, Qiara's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, and Qiara was even more embarrassed when she realized that Liu had heard Julian's words. 

As an adult, Liu certainly understood what Julian meant so she smiled.

"Don't talk carelessly! There are people here!". Qiara whispered while pinching Julian's waist because she was embarrassed.

"Yeah... I'm not going to tell you how naughty you are in the room...". said Julian with a shy smile. 

"Julian...". Qiara was annoyed that Julian was exposing herself more and more in front of Liu.

"Yeah sorry! Now sit down and enjoy this breakfast!". Julian said while pulling a chair for Qiara.

With a frown, Qiara sat on the chair. 

"Julian embarrasses me". Qiara thought while grinning at Julian who was already sitting beside her.

Julian couldn't help but smile at the sullen Qiara, he could tell that his wife was grumbling in annoyance.

"Mr and Mrs, please enjoy your breakfast! I hope this beautiful view is always seen and there will be no more fights!". Liu said sincerely.

"Thank you!". Julian and Qiara said at the same time. 

"You're welcome, then I will return to the kitchen!".

"Yes". After that Liu immediately left the couple who had made up. 

Liu could breathe a sigh of relief seeing her master put on makeup, even though this morning she was very worried to see Qiara carrying a suitcase.

Julian and Qiara enjoyed their breakfast quietly, although their hearts and minds had not been able to calm down before meeting Zio.

"Eat a lot! Because we need a lot of energy to face Zio," said Julian after he had finished drinking.

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