Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind

Chapter 543 - Who's Your Boss?

"Bring her!". Said one of the men without answering Qiara's question.

"Okay boss!". After that they stepped forward towards Qiara to catch her. 

Qiara grinned at those who were approaching.

"They think I'm a weak woman? Alright, we'll see who manages to take me away!". Qiara thought while smiling slyly.

Just as they were about to touch her, suddenly Qiara had disappeared from their sight. It happened so fast that they didn't even notice that Qiara had moved.

"Catch me if you can!". Qiara said.

They all immediately turned to the source of the voice. 

Qiara was very calm because to her they were all just a bunch of ants. 

"Okay, if you prefer violence!". After that one of them went to attack Qiara first with a big smile because they doubted her ability.

Suddenly the man was in front of Qiara. "Where do you want to hit?"

The man who pointed his fist was suddenly confused by Qiara's question. 

"You're thinking too much... Qiara gave the man a kick in his vitals.

"Ahhh ...". The man's scream broke the silence of the night in the deserted field with little lighting.

Seeing their friend in pain, which became even more intense. fierce and no longer underestimated Qiara. 

Meanwhile, Qiara was ready to fight them with a savage gaze.

With the martial skills she had honed over the years, Qiara easily defeated them. One by one they lay on the grass wet from that night, the rain was really crazy. 

Seeing his men defeated in an instant, the leader took a few steps back, after that he pointed his gun at Qiara.

However, before the trigger was released, Qiara strangled his neck with a fierce look.

At that moment, the leader groaned in pain. 

"I will not kill you, but tell the person who ordered you to arrest me?". Qiara said. 

The chairman was very surprised, since he didn't expect that a small and gentle looking girl like Qiara had such extraordinary strength and martial skills.

"Mr. Joseph...".

Qiara was silent hearing the name, for some reason her heart ached because she did not expect that her father-in-law was so mean to her.

"Tell your boss! If he wants me to see him then he must come alone!". Qiara said.

The man nodded, gasping for air.

After that, Qiara forgot about it and got back into the taxi.

"Sir, we're sons back!". Qiara said.


The taxi driver who had been anxious to see Qiara fight became relieved, he also admired Qiara's extraordinary action.

Because he liked it too much, the taxi driver recorded the scene even though it was raining at night. 

After that, the taxi driver turned around and drove slowly because the rain was heavy enough that he didn't dare to drive the car fast.

"Mama... I'm sorry that I haven't been able to meet you! I don't want Mama to see me wet like this. Besides, I have to make sure my husband and child are okay because I didn't say goodbye to them. But, I promise I'll come tomorrow!". Qiara thought while looking at the rain from behind the car window.

Actually, the ones who wanted to catch her were Mr. Adamson's men. However, they were ordered to mention Mr. Joseph's name if they were caught. Meanwhile, Mr. Joseph's men were pulled back by Mr. Joseph after hearing Mr. Adamson's words.

With a heavy heart, Qiara sent a message to her aunt to take care of her mother until she came. Of course Qiara promised a lot of money so her aunt immediately agreed to her request.

It was already 11 pm, Julian returned to the hospital after confirming that his mother was okay. 

However, he didn't find Qiara's whereabouts so he panicked.

"Is Qiara at home? But, why didn't she tell me?". Julian thought while watching Andi who looked sleepy.

"Boss, did you just come back?". Asked Andi who had been sitting beside Zio's bed.

Julian nodded.

"Have you seen my wife?" asked Julian.

"She looked in a hurry after receiving the call, I think she is at home now". Andi replied.

"Okay, I'm going home now! You accompany Zio!".

"Okay boss!".

After that, Julian rushed out of the hospital.

On the way, Julian tried to call Qiara's number, but Qiara didn't pick up the phone so Julian became even more panicked.

Since Qiara's number was off, Julian immediately called Liu. However, Liu was at the JJ family mansion on Julian's own orders because the maid who used to accompany Sarah was on leave.

Julian accelerated his car because he was really worried about Qiara's condition. 

Julian's house.

Not long after that, Julian's car stopped in front of his door. After that, Julian immediately got out of his car.

"Strange, why is the door open? There are puddles of water everywhere? There's no way my house is leaking. What's this?". Julian thought as he walked slowly across the wet floor.

Not long after that, Julian arrived in front of his room. He grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened it.

"Honey... Are you in the room?". asked Julian in a soft voice. However, Julian seemed cautious.

Still no sound, Julian grew even more anxious. He entered his room and walked to his bed.

At that moment Julian was surprised to find Qiara sleeping on the bed with her clothes still wet.

"Honey... Why are you sleeping in wet clothes, you'll catch a cold later?". Julian asked while sitting beside Qiara.

However, Qiara did not respond. Julian started to get suspicious seeing Qiara who didn't move or turned her head towards him. 

Julian panicked and immediately put his hand on Qiara's forehead.

"Oh my god... Qiara's body is so hot, has she been playing in the rain or has something happened to her?". Julian panicked even more when he saw the blood marks on Qiara's clothes. Not only that, he also found bruises on Qiara's hands. 

Julian turned Qiara's body, he immediately felt his heart break when he saw Qiara's pale face.

"Honey... What happened to you? Why are you like this?". Julian shouted while hugging Qiara. 

Julian cried involuntarily because he was sick of seeing Qiara's state. 

Not long after that, Julian made a call to the doctor his family used to call him.

Luckily the doctor wasn't busy so he came to Julian's house quickly.

After making a call to the doctor, Julian immediately changed Qiara's clothes. Not only that, he moved Qiara to Zio's room which was warmer because the bed and blanket in Julian's room were already wet.

A moment later Qiara had changed into sleepwear and was wrapped in a blanket in Zio's room.

Just then, the doctor came and immediately checked Qiara's condition. 

Julian couldn't calm down when he saw the doctor checking Qiara's condition.

Not long after, the doctor had finished examining Qiara. He then turned to Julian with a smile.

"Doctor... How is my wife doing?". asked Julian impatiently.

"Your wife just has a fever, and the bruises on her hands seem to be from a blow. But I've injected painkillers so the bruises can go away tomorrow." The doctor answered.

Julian breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the doctor's explanation. However, she needed to wait for Qiara to wake up so he would know what had happened to her. 

"Then I say goodbye, Mr. Ju!". The Doctor said.

"Yes. Thank you for coming!". Julian shook the doctor's hand with joy.

"You're welcome. Mr. Ju don't hesitate to call me if you need my help!"


After that, Julian ushered the doctor outside while closing the door and mopping the wet floor. 

Julian is willing to do the work Liu usually does for Qiara's convenience.

After everything was done, Julian returned to the room. He then sat beside Qiara while checking his temperature repeatedly until he didn't sleep.

"Why doesn't her body temperature drop too?". Thought Julian worriedly.

Julian started to get confused, he searched google for fever-reducing methods. After finding a way, Julian immediately found a small towel and wet it.

The small towel was placed on Qiara's forehead.

Unknowingly Julian fell asleep and sat up.

A few hours later, Julian gasped in surprise at the sound of Qiara's moaning.



Hearing the moaning sound, Julian immediately took another blanket and wrapped Qiara's cold body.

"Honey... What are you doing?". Julian asked while stroking Qiara's cheek.

After wondering, Julian immediately took off his clothes. He then climbed onto the bed and let Qiara lean on his warm chest.

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