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"Don't tell me that person is your naughty best friend." Chloe's grandmother said impatiently.

Monica smiled, she then got up from her seat. Then he approached Kevin and held his hand.

"Kevin... You know that Auntie always considers you to be Auntie's biological child. So, can you tell your mother about who our future daughter-in-law is?". Monica said in a soft voice. 

Kevin took a deep breath, he couldn't afford to disappoint the woman who always made him feel like he had a mother.

Seeing Kevin open his mouth, everyone focused on waiting for Kevin's answer because they were really curious.

"She's just an ordinary girl, her name is Agatha and now she lives in London". Kevin answered with great struggle because he couldn't think of any other woman he could admit besides Agatha. That way, they wouldn't press her to get married because Agatha was abroad.


"Yes." Kevin nodded nervously. 

Immediately, everyone clapped. Monica immediately hugged Kevin because she was very happy. 

"Then we have to prepare a proposal, after that we will go together to London to propose to the woman named Agatha". Grandma Chloe said excitedly.

Kevin was shocked, he almost slumped to the floor from shaking. How could they propose to a woman who didn't know anything? Everything was beyond Kevin's expectations.

"I agree". Grandpa Luan said with excitement.

"Brother... Why is your face pale?". Ricard asked while holding back his smile because Ricard already suspected that Kevin was just confessing.

Ricard knows Kevin too well that he doesn't trust him easily, he knows when Kevin is lying or telling the truth. However, he didn't say anything when he saw his family looking happy.

Kevin controlled his emotions first without answering Ricard's question. After that he took a deep breath and said firmly, "We are not ready to get married. So, don't do anything until I decide for myself when to get married. Besides, I want to propose to her alone first and then ask you to meet her".

They all fell silent.

"Then I'll say goodbye first!". After that Kevin saluted and left quickly because he couldn't stand to lie more and more.

Kevin breathed a sigh of relief after he left his grandfather's house. He felt like he had just stepped out of the most terrifying zone. 

YM Entertainment office.

Meanwhile, Aurel paced in front of the main door. He was nervous because Kevin hadn't come yet. 

"Kevin, why hasn't he come yet? He said he was already on the way". Aurel said.

After that, Aurel took her cellphone and tried to contact Kevin but Kevin did not respond to the call.

"Aurel... Who are you waiting for?". Asked Maxwell who had just arrived.

"Kevin, he said he promised to come on time, but he hasn't arrived at this hour." Ariel replied, annoyed. 

"Maybe he's on the road." Maxwell said casually.

"Kevin is not someone who likes to be late, he is very disciplined. I know how his character is. Therefore, I am both annoyed and worried about him". Aurel wasn't calm because Kevin wasn't usually like this. 

Maxwell nodded and waited for Kevin with Aurel. For a moment, Maxwell forgot that he was the boss by standing at the door like a security guard.

Instantly, all the YM Entertainment artists and their employees took the opportunity to attract Maxwell's attention.

A moment later. 

"You'd better wait inside! Let me wait for him!". Maxwell said who couldn't bear to see Aurel's languid expression. 

"But boss...."

"No need to hesitate, I'm an understanding and handsome boss, therefore you must take advantage of me!". Maxwell said with a smile.

Aurel couldn't help but smile, she was comforted by Maxwell so that her annoyance began to disappear. 

"By the way, boss, what are you doing here?" Aurel asked before she left. 

"I'm looking for Liana, is she in the office? Or is she on the set? I can't call her number". Maxwell answered honestly. 

Aurel took a deep breath, she suspected that Maxwell had a relationship with Liana. That's why Kevin was kind to her. 

However, after the news of Agatha's death was announced, since then Kevin and Qiara's attitude changed. Aurel didn't know for sure what was going on with the people close to her.

"Kevin gave her a week off to win her over. Now I don't know where she is. Therefore I feel like I've become a failed manager because I don't know anything about my artist". Aurel replied sadly.

Maxwell was silent, he suspected that Julian had deliberately hidden Qiara so as not to meet him. 

"Looks like Julian did this on purpose. But, I won't let anything happen. That's why I'm going to her house to seize Qiara openly so Julian knows that I never play with my words". Maxwell's mind.

"Then I'll go first boss!". Aurel said in a weak voice. 

After that, Aurel rushed to leave Maxwell. But just as Aurel was about to go inside, suddenly.

"Aurell...". Kevin's voice calling her name was heard and stopped her steps.

Aurel turned around and saw Kevin who was already standing beside Maxwell.

"Why did you come late by Taxi, where is your car?". Ask Aurel.

"My car died in the middle of the road, so I immediately contacted my subscription technician. After they arrived, I went by taxi". Kevin answered honestly.

"Never mind, we'd better go in because we've been waiting!". Aurel said.

"Yes". After that Kevin turned to Maxwell before following Aurel who entered first.

"Why are you silent? Do you want to be a statue here?". Ask Kevin.

"I have to go now!". After that Maxwell rushed away from Kevin without saying much. 

Kevin could only take a breath when he saw his best friend's strange behavior. After that he rushed in after Aurel.

Halfway through, Maxwell tried to call Qiara's number again. But, still not connecting. Instantly Maxwell became even more annoyed.

"Why is Qiara's number not active too? Has she changed her number?".. Maxwell thought both confused and curious.

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