"If below was Vania, it certainly wouldn't have ended like this". Julian thought as he scratched his neck. 

"Qiara is the clothes that Mama ...". Sarah could not continue her words when she opened the door to the room and found Julian on top of Qiara's body. 

Julian and Qiara's faces were like ripe tomatoes when they saw Sarah suddenly enter without knocking first.

"Hmmm ... Sorry that Mama did not knock on the door first. So, continue what you want to do". After saying that Sarah closed the door again with an amused smile. 

"You newlyweds, you can't hold back just for a moment. But Papa was like that before, Hehehehe ....". Sarah said after that she walked away to meet her husband who was ready in the field first.

"Aaahh. Mama ... We didn't do anything ...". Qiara shouted, but Julian immediately shut her mouth so she didn't scream.

"Ummm ...". Qiara tried to get away from Julian, but again Julian's strength was greater than her, so she gave in helplessly. 

"I'll let you go if you don't scream anymore!". Julian said while looking at her sarcastically, Qiara immediately nodded obediently. 

"Smart...". Said Julian while removing his hand from Qiara's mouth. 

Instantly, Qiara smiled slyly and then quickly hit Julian's bottom, unfortunately Julian managed to dodge. 

"You think you can fool me? Do you not realize that mine is wanted by the women out there? Then, you want to hurt him? I will not let". Said Julian as he pushed Qiara's legs aside and then got out of bed. 

"Get up, immediately change your clothes with the clothes that Mama left on the table near the door. Meanwhile I will change my clothes in the bathroom". Julian continued, taking the clothes in the wardrobe and then going into the bathroom. 

Qiara immediately got up and took the clothes. 

Not long after that, Qiara finished wearing her clothes and then left the room without paying attention to Julian who was still in the bathroom. 

"Servants, where are Papa and Mama?". Qiara asked the maid after being tired of going around the endless mansion. 

"They are in the field behind this house. Let me take you!". The servant replied respectfully to Qiara.

Qiara happily followed the waitress.

"That Papa and Mama are playing on the field!". The servant said while pointing towards the field. 

Qiara was shocked when she saw the vast field. She really did not expect that there was a field in such a large house. Then, how much land is there under the house combined with this field. 

"Mrs. Are you okay?". The maid asked as she looked at Qiara worriedly. 

"It's okay. You can go back to the kitchen! I can go to them myself". Qiara replied with a smile. 

After saying that, Qiara immediately walked towards the field. 

"How did Mrs. know that I was going to the kitchen!". Asked the waiter to herself in amazement and confusion to hear Qiara know that she is a special servant in the kitchen. 

After finishing wondering and seeing Qiara enter the field area. The waiter immediately turned around to continue her work. 

"Ma ... Why have I noticed that you've been laughing happily? Is there anything that makes you happy? Then, where is our daughter-in-law? Why isn't she here yet?". Mr. Jhosep asked in surprise after he finished warming up before continuing to play again.

"Of course, I'm very happy today. Because Papa talked about the first night. Earlier, I forgot to knock on their door and I just went in and found that Julian was doing it, Hehehe". Sarah explained with a bursting smile.

"Wahhh ... Julian is like me. He is perfect for the size of a man. Always able to take the opportunity when there is. And you are very happy with my actions. Right?". Her husband teased as she pinched his cheeks which began to turn red. 

"What the heck ... Why do I have to bring that up? I'm embarrassed. You naughty old man!". Sarah said, blushing.

"Haha ... If men are not naughty, then who will start their life first, of course women are helpless if we don't start first. Unless it's a cheap woman. Ummm ... Do we need another honeymoon? Papa wants to test Papa's strength. Is it still as strong as when we were young? How many rounds are we still able to pass"? Said Mr Jhosep while teasing his wife. 

"Papa ... What the heck? No need to talk about rounds at our age. How about if our children hear it". Sarah said as she pinched her husband's waist.

"Ahh ... It hurts dear ...". said Mr. Jhosep while holding his waist.

"Qiara here Ma! Hehehehe". Hearing Qiara's voice, the two of them immediately turned their heads with complicated expressions. This time they were caught talking about sensitive matters and it was very embarrassing for Sarah.

"Qiara ... Why are you here? Aren't you with Julian and you are..."? Haven't had time to finish her words yet. Qiara immediately cut her word off because she didn't want her mother-in-law to discuss the matter earlier.

"Ahhh ... Mama just misunderstood. Julian only helped me. Oh yeah, I'm ready to play. Can we start?". Said Qiara while turning to her father-in-law. 

"Help in what way until Julian is on top of it?". Sarah thought in confusion. 

"All right ... My little daughter-in-law! Let's play and see who is the greatest". Mr. Jhosep replied, smiling at Qiara. 

"Wahhh ... The match will be exciting ... Then I'll ask the servants and the people in the house to watch and determine who their champion is". Sarah said with a happy heart. 

After that she made a call using a public telephone that had been prepared to call the servants in their respective assignments. 

The telephone was placed right beside the field. Meanwhile Qiara and her father-in-law were ready at their respective places. Because they were too excited, Mr. Jhosep and Sarah forgot to ask where Julian was. 

"Little daughter-in-law. Are you ready?". Mr. Jhosep shouted as he prepared to hit the ball at Qiara. 

"I'm ready". Qiara replied in a loud voice. 

Just then the waiters and a few more workers except the security guard were already sitting in the audience seats. 

"Great master spirit!". Shouted the servants who were on the side of Qiara's father-in-law. 

"Qiara, you have to be enthusiastic so that you lose and give us grandchildren".. Shouted Sarah, clapping her hands with joy.

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