Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind

Chapter 83 - Sweet Memories (1)

Qiara shed heavy tears when she saw the photo of the two of them laughing together in a hugging position. 

"Oh my God ... Seeing this photo makes my heart ache. She's the best sister who never gets angry. Always supports me even though she knows how naughty I am. I still remember what she likes and all her habits. I'm sorry I missed many opportunities to meet you". Said Qiara while kissing her photo with Vania while sobbing. 

She really missed the figure of Vania, because the prestige was too high. Qiara found it very difficult to say that she loved Vania.

When someone compares her to Vania, to be honest she feels inferior because Vania is indeed charming and is greatly admired by anyone who knows her.

"I miss you ... really miss you!". Qiara said again with increasingly heavy tears. 

Qiara realized that her longing expression was useless because Vania had gone so far and it was impossible to hear it.

It is no different from Qiara, Julian feels even more regretting everything. Everything that happened until she felt stupid for losing Vania.

Like Qiara, Julian also keeps thinking about Vania. He couldn't take his mind away so he kept thinking about it all the way to his office.

Not long after, Julian arrived at his office. He entered using a special elevator.

After arriving at his room, Julian immediately sat in his chair and no one was allowed to disturb him.

Julian deliberately ran away from Qiara because he felt guilty for hurting Qiara by comparing her. 

"Vania ... I still remember very well how the leaves surrounded you on the first day we met as they fell. Will we be able to turn back the clock so we can get back together? Would it be easier with you if the one I married was you?". Said Julian with a flushed gaze that kept wondering to himself. The longing Julian felt brought him back to the past.

Still remember clearly the day when he first met Vania, the gentle innocent girl with a charming smile.

~ Flashback ~ 

That morning the air was quite cold but a girl stood in front of the school gate because she forgot to bring her jacket. 

Winter on that day witnessed the first time Julian saw a cute girl who was looking confused.

Either return home to pick up a jacket or continue to enter because the gate will soon be closed.

Julian stood right behind the girl, glancing at the security guard who was still busy advising some students whose appearance broke the rules. 

Somehow Julian felt attracted to the girl. 

Just then, the leaves not far from the school gate fell and hit the two human children. 

When he saw the girl suddenly shivered. Julian took off his expensive jacket and then put it on the girl. Instantly the girl was surprised and turned to see Julian's face.

"Julian ...". Not having time to ask the name, Julian heard the voice of one of his friends, Rama, who was also his classmate.

"Hey ... I'm here!". Julian replied, raising his hand to tell his whereabouts.

"Hey! Why are you standing there? Come on in! Before that killer security guard closes the gate for you". His friend said with a loud laugh. 

"We'll meet again! I'm Julian a year 2 A and you can find me if you want to return the jacket". Julian said as he ran towards his friend.

The girl's face he still remembers was very dazed and the girl was surprised to see him who was so familiar and so close.

"Who is he? I never asked him for an acquaintance? But, he's a class 2 A student. That means he's my senior?". Said Vania while staring in surprise at the man who had just given her the jacket without knowing her. 

Because the air is very cold, Vania was forced to wear the jacket. However, she promised that she would definitely return it tomorrow after she washed and ironed it. 

Every few days. 

Vania did not show herself to return the jacket either. Julian also took the initiative to find it himself even though he didn't know the name and class, but he still remembered Vania's traits. 

He also took the initiative to find the girl. Because the school was very large with thousands of students and so many classrooms it made it difficult for Julian to find the girl. Until two Weeks passed, he could not find it. He finally gave up and chose to forget about the girl.

What Julian didn't do was ask her what the girl's name was so he had a hard time finding her.

"Are you Julian?". That soft voice startled Julian as he sat eating his food in the super luxurious cafeteria. Julian immediately turned his head, immediately his eyes bulged and the food he had just chewed was swallowed up in shock.

"Yes ...". Julian replied nervously. All the girls in the cafeteria immediately looked at Vania with savage eyes. They were even more annoyed when they saw Julian's reaction who looked fascinated with Vania.

"Sorry I was late returning your jacket. Because I am busy preparing for the Olympics next month. So, I spend time resting in the library. But you don't have to worry because I only put it on once and I also washed and then ironed it clean" . Vania explained with an expression of regret.

"Ahh ... You are wrong and I am very angry. Therefore, I want you to make amends by sitting with me and my friend". Julian said with a sly smile.

Vania is silent while thinking that she might not be able to stay long because she has to continue studying. But he also knows that she is wrong and must take responsibility.

"You Playboy. Is she your next victim?". Whispered Rama in Julian's ear while hitting his shoulder.

"Make no mistake... I am a respectable playboy and never hurt girls. But rather a picky person who must really find a suitable girl to accept my love expression. So, it takes an approach before deciding to end up dating or just be friends". Julian explained while whispering too, while Vania was still silent.

"Hey ... Why are you just silent? Time will run out soon". Asked Julian impatiently.

"Very well! This time I will pay my thanks as well as my apologies". Vania answered as she sat on the chair across from Julian.

"I see. Oh yes, what's your name?".. Julian asked while looking at Vania, who did not dare to raise her face.

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