After hearing my answer, Chen Haoran completely relaxed his vigilance to me and said solemnly, "then we have decided that you should unify freshman as soon as possible. I have solved some thorns quietly. I believe you will have a good journey. I will prepare people and we will work together to defeat them. "

I nodded and said, "brother Haonan, I won't let you down if you don't say thank you!"

After that, we separated, and then I entered the United freshman front. To tell you the truth, it's not easy for a freshman to be the eldest. Most of us don't have the qualification and reputation, so they can't take on the responsibility of the eldest, and can't be convinced by all the freshmen.

And I, also can be called a blockbuster, directly as a new person's strong rise, everyone can see this light in me, especially I can lead a weak class, directly put the number one junior into the hospital, this obviously has a courage as a boss, and then add up all aspects, I am worthy of the boss, now, Many people have already spread the word that I am the best choice for the first year. Therefore, after Chen Haoran wrote a war letter to Jiang Wuwen, this is enough to show his position. Because of this, the big guy has more and more confidence in me. Before I started speaking, many people have come to me and want to turn to me.

The time seems to be ripe. Taking advantage of the momentum, I openly declare that I want to be the boss. I want to unite this chaotic freshman and unite as one. I want to really and truly carry the banner of freshman. A lot of disadvantaged classes did not have to conquer to directly turn to me, some classes with thorns, because of my conviction and Chen Haoran's pressure, also unconditionally turned to me, no need for me to make any efforts. The only class that Xiao Tianyi was in was not as strong as I thought. I took people with me without pressure to level it down. Finally, they became complacent and arrogant.

Freshman really because of the chaos for too long, really need a popular leader to preside over the overall situation, therefore, I, the all-purpose new king, succeeded in becoming the boss of the freshman in two days. Originally, the expected time was one month, which was too much different from my expectation.

The miracles I have created in a short time have already surpassed Bai Qiuyan in those years. Even now, the number of people who can come out with a wave of my hand is definitely not less than Chen Haoran, because these freshmen need a battle to prove themselves, and I am a boss worthy of belief. To tell you the truth, although I came with the heart of revenge, but now, to see the original cowardly oneself have such a big change, I still can't hide the excitement in my heart, and the blood is boiling again.

In order to celebrate such a meaningful moment, in order to consolidate people's hearts, I put on a big banquet and invited some trustworthy brothers to eat and drink. After a meal and drink, my brothers' enthusiasm was aroused and they appreciated me more.

A week later, Jiang wutrace returned to the campus, but his brilliant image has long been gone. Instead, he has become a cannon fodder for my rise and a joke that people like to talk about.

Because my light is too strong, no one cares about this former character. However, since Jiang wutrace dares to come to the school, it shows that he is ready. People like him will report their grievances. It is impossible to see me behave wildly in school.

On the day of Jiang Wuji's return to school, Chen Haoran, who had the confidence, openly went to his class to challenge him, and forced him to accept the battle, otherwise he would be knocked out of school without saying a word.

It may be that Jiang Wuji has made full preparations and agreed without consideration. The first war after the year was so directly decided, which was set at 2:00 p.m. this Sunday. The address is still the abandoned square behind the school.

It seems that this war is a decisive battle between Chen Haoran and Jiang Wuxian. In fact, Chen Haoran and I fought against the cousins Jiang Wuxian and Du Yuhang. This war is unprecedented and affects the hearts of thousands of students.

The night before the decisive battle, I was more difficult to sleep than anyone else. Every day in school, I couldn't be my real self. Every day, it was like acting. I was really tired. Tomorrow was the opportunity for me to be ashamed. I was looking forward to it.

The next day, I got out of bed early. I was in high spirits. I got up with the boy who was reasoning. After reasoning, I began to rub hands and eager to try. I didn't know where the boy had the confidence. He was very excited and looking forward to today's war. The two of us, full of pride, ate breakfast together and planned the war in the afternoon. It was because this battle was so important to me. Therefore, I have to plan carefully and not allow any mistakes.

I am very clear in my heart, although I have been a worthy boss of this freshman, but this name is not omnipotent. If I say a word, all freshmen will be subject to my orders. I do not have so much influence, nor do I have so much power.

Today, many classes of people praise me, trust me. They are willing to follow me. Although some of them are really belligerent, there are still others who are totally trying to find shelter from being bullied. It is very difficult for them to help themselves. What's more, the person we have to deal with is not ordinary people. It's Du Yuhang who is second only to Bai Qiuyan in his senior year. Therefore, it's a headache to find people who are willing to participate in the war and can be trusted. I successfully assigned this arduous task to reason, and let him sort out those people who can be trusted, and those people are the top of the wall.And I called the rest of the class myself. Let's go out of school together and prepare some guys. At ten o'clock, I was contacted by reason and said that people had been found, including our classmates. It was estimated that there would be 100 people who promised to fight. This number is beyond my expectation. It seems that there are still a lot of people supporting me.

I don't care how many of them make up for the number. In short, many people are strength. Even if there is only one person with me, I will stir up the battle. Therefore, I directly tell the reason and ask him to inform the leader of those people that they should gather in the hotel outside the school at 12:00, and the box I reserved is already full at 11:00 The two big tables are full of people. It is estimated that these people are representatives of each class. They all seem to have extraordinary bearing. After meeting me, they all yelled for boss. I don't have any airs. I just regard these people as brothers and treat them as good wine and meat. I just hope they can work harder in the war.

They look arrogant and domineering on weekdays. After three rounds of drinking, they all show their sense of loyalty. They are still very warm-blooded at the crucial time. I also said a lot of words on the wine table to motivate them. Anyway, I promised them that they would definitely make a world with me in the future.

After a meal, they were very convinced of my new star, and we all promised that we would go all out in this battle.

We finished the meal at 12:30. After the meal, I immediately asked the class representatives to contact their respective people, and let them gather at the school gate at 1:00. These people immediately took the lead and started to prepare immediately.

Then, I arranged to reason with some of my class brothers to move the guy, and then I went to the small door to wait for me. I went back to my bedroom and took out the dagger that I had been trying to make collections from my cabinet. After hiding the dagger on my body, I immediately went out of the bedroom to meet them.

When I arrived at the appointed place, other people were all ready, so I was the leader. To be honest, the scene of more than 100 people was very impressive. Looking back on the former Suluo, it was much worse than the present. I made a preliminary department here and divided the 150 people into three teams, each team Fifty.

One of the teams of fifty was led by me. The other two teams, led by Li Li and Xiao Tianyi, did not go out for the time being. They hid for the time being and waited for the opportunity. After dividing the team, everyone picked a good guy. Immediately, we split into two ways and set off.

In fact, my deployment seems random, but it is carefully designed by me. In terms of personnel selection, all of them are deliberately arranged. The team I lead seems to be the vanguard force, but it is the one I don't trust most. Among them, either some are unreliable, or some are the thorns that Chen Haoran secretly solved for me, I believe But that's why I arranged to be the vanguard.

The reason is more credible than the more than 100 people brought by Xiao Tianyi. I want them to be my reserve force and become my main force. I want them to give them a fatal blow at the most critical time. This is the effect I want.

It has to be mentioned that Xiao Tianyi, relying on his own body, can't look at me. He told me that he was loyal to me after winning the single contest. As a result, I was beaten severely. However, I also suffered a little injury. I have to say that he is a tough man, which also makes him a strong general in my future. Of course, this is later.

Soon, I will lead my brigade, mighty to this let me full of memories of the battlefield.

At this time, the scene of the square was even more spectacular than the sports meeting. The crowd was bustling. Compared with the people who participated in the fight, the crowd seemed to be more active. There were more girls watching the war than boys. That's why they wanted to show their masculinity.

And I led the emergence of the army, which attracted countless people's attention. At this time, I felt that being a boss was so powerful. It turned out that this was my real blood and I should have youth. However, just as I was moving towards the center of the front battlefield, a figure suddenly rushed out of the crowd and blocked me in front of me. He said to me rudely: "Ye Zixuan, I really didn't expect that you would collude with Chen Haoran. Don't you know he is a little man?"

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