The two men who came up later were not so good. After a few moves with me, I was knocked to the ground. To tell the truth, I didn't even use one tenth of my strength. Maybe most people just heard that I fought fiercely, and there were few people who really saw me fighting. Now everyone has witnessed my fierce strength and my eyes are full of splendor.

Indeed, in terms of fighting, I rely on a fierce force as before, but now, I have undergone a new transformation, after the experience of blood and fire, and become more fierce. After coming back from where, my consciousness makes me become cold-blooded at certain times, but when I encounter people or things that can threaten my life, I will directly nip it in the bud.

Maybe it's because I just acted so fiercely that no one came to my trouble again. I entered the leisure again. In this battle, because of too many people, the scene became more and more chaotic. At the end of the fight, half of the people had fallen to the ground, and many people were stained with blood.

The onlookers, with the change of the field, became excited, which even more stimulated those tough guys in the scuffle. Even though Chen Haoran knew that he couldn't hold on, they were still fighting hard, because those who had come to the battlefield would not shrink back. If they were injured, they would not be able to find it, especially as the leader Chen Haoran, a man, he simply fought his old life, one hit five, the body did not know how many times, even bloodstained, but he still perseverance did not fall on the scene.

Chen Haoran is crazy to see the casualties he brought about, which is half down. He keeps glancing at my side while responding to the enemy. His eyes seem to be telling me, why can't you do it? I can't stand it.

After I read his meaning, I pretended not to see him, still standing in the same place and smoking leisurely. Seeing my appearance, Chen Haoran was obviously very angry, but he couldn't find time to find me. He could only hold on to it. Although he fought fiercely, his people were defeated and retreated, so it was difficult for him to support himself. However, after Chen Haoran beat Jiang Wuji, he was already furious. He took out a knife suddenly. When Chen Haoran was entangled by Du Yuhang and others, he quickly inserted it into Chen Haoran's back. Immediately, Chen Haoran's scream resounded in the noisy sky of the abandoned square. At the same time, Du Yuhang's steel pipe was also smooth Like Chen Haoran's head.

Even if Chen Haoran's body was an iron fist, he could not hold on and fell directly to the ground. With Chen Haoran's fall, they who had no advantage at all, at this moment, their military spirit completely broke down, and the only remaining individuals were also quickly knocked down. Even so, Du Yuhang and Jiang Wuji suffered heavy casualties, but there were still some people with fighting capacity Near the 60th and 70th, seeing this situation, Jiang Wuji immediately became rampant. He took a knife stained with blood and led more than 20 people among them to come to my position. While walking, he yelled at me: "Ye Zixuan, you son of a bitch, I still want to be brave for you. How can I also counsel you now? Today, I will let you know that you have offended me If, my brothers, I'll take care of him if something goes wrong

With that, he waved his hand, his brothers ran to me, experienced a bloody war, his brothers became very brave, unstoppable, I saw the time was almost, immediately took out the mobile phone, dialed the phone, very casually said to the other end: "it's time for you to perform!"

All of a sudden, from a bush not far from my side, a large number of people were roaring out. They seemed to be impatient to wait. When they came out, their momentum was like a rainbow, which made the gang of Jiang Wuji, who had been very rampant, stopped immediately. This also made all the onlookers look silly.

In reasoning and Xiao Tianyi led my main force to run to my side, I leisurely my cigarette end in my hand was thrown into the air, and then, I gently said: "don't hesitate, do it!"

With that, I took the lead and rushed out.

At this moment, I showed all my momentum. The blood in my body kept rolling and my heart beat fast. The whole person became extremely excited. When Jiang Wuji and his dog legs were stunned, I punched a tall man in the head and directly knocked him down. As soon as my brothers who had held back for a long time came up, they would eat whatever they wanted Those who were not hurt but also tired were beating and shouting.

In the twinkling of an eye, the situation of the battlefield turned upside down. At first, everyone thought that we would surely lose. The final winner must be Jiang Wuji. However, no one thought that I even buried an ambush with more than 100 people. This really made everyone dumbfounded. What's more, when they saw that we still had so many people, they lost their morale in a moment of fright. What's more, we also had a fierce general, who killed them all the way, which made them lose their confidence. Some people even fell down without fighting.

When I broke through all the obstacles and killed Jiang Wuji in front of me, the guy's face was even worse than eating excrement. He knew my cruelty and experienced my force. Now, seeing me coming back to him again, he had no arrogance at all. He said to me in horror as he retreated: "you, don't come here, warn you, move me is asking for trouble.", I'm doing it for you, tooSeeing his advice, I have no words. This guy only bullies the vulnerable groups. When I see the hard one, how can he do it like this? Once I thought that the big man was so powerful. When he was in danger, he instantly softened up. When I heard the threat of his weak intelligence, I was too lazy to talk to him, and directly broke into a curse: "I'll go to your mother! ”

with that, I swung my fist and hit him in the stomach. The guy looked at the direction of my fist and instinctively protected his stomach. Nevertheless, he was beaten back and forth again and again. I did not stop, but I directly chased him, and hit him again and again on his head wrapped in gauze, He also kept screaming. I had no pity for such a person. I hit him one punch after another. I didn't stop until he was unconscious.

I still like to fight with fists and feet. This kind of inborn weapon can make me feel the real pleasure. After I knocked down Jiang Wuji, I didn't stop for half a moment. I continued to fight with my subordinates. My bravery made the other party afraid. Soon, the other party was defeated by us. Even Du Yuhang, the boy, saw that Our actions were frightening, and he wanted to scare me with his prestige, but I didn't eat his suit at all. I wrestled with me a few times. Because I had consumed a lot of physical strength before, I knelt down a few times. Then I ordered my brothers to start to ravage him.

Because of the sudden appearance of my ambush, the scene of the scene again fell into chaos. I then came to Chen Haoran, who was lying on the ground, squatted down and helped the injured Chen Haoran up. He asked him, "brother Haonan, are you ok?"

Chen Haoran is worthy of being a fierce man. He has been so miserable that he still has the strength to stand up. He looks at me and says to me in a reproachful tone: "Ye Zixuan, why are you so late? What do you mean

Listen to the tone Chen Haoran has some doubts about me, but now I don't care about these, because my plan has been successful, so I gave him a wicked smile and said, "because of me..."

speaking of this, my voice suddenly stopped, but my hand, has quietly pulled out the sharp dagger from me 。 Everything seems to be so natural, and my knife, also hidden between me and Chen Haoran, outsiders can't see it. Besides, the scene is so chaotic that no one will pay attention to these small details. Inadvertently, my dagger is directly inserted into Chen Haoran's slightly deviated position from the heart. I pray for him in my heart. Let him listen if he is dead or alive It's up to God!

In an instant, Chen Haoran's face was twisted and his eyes were full of panic. He opened his eyes and looked at me strangely. He opened his bleeding mouth and stammered: "you, you, you..."

Chen Haoran tried his best to say something. However, his injury made him unable to open his mouth. He barely said three words, and then he fainted. I quickly pulled out the dagger, and my hand moved slightly. In this way, the dagger in my hand was put into the sleeve of my clothes. I was extremely skilled in this series of movements, and no one could see any abnormality.

Then, I slowly raised my head, at this time, my expression returned to a heavy and serious state, I red eyes, put down Chen Haoran in my arms, and then stood up and roared loudly: "Damn, who is it? That dog scumbag stabbed brother Haonan with a knife behind his back. Brothers, give it to me, and kill them to avenge him!"

As soon as I said this, not only my brothers, but also Chen Haoran's brothers who had fallen to the ground and couldn't get up, all tried to get up. They all looked like they were beaten with chicken blood. They were extremely fierce. They didn't look like they were injured at all. With this momentum, in a few minutes, all the remnants of the enemy were beaten to the ground, and none of them could stand up.

It can be said that our side has won!

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