Since Fang Qing is no longer here, I can't care so much about what's right and what's wrong. If I don't say it myself, I'll never be at ease. Since I have this opportunity today, I must say what I want to say and what I want to ask.

I didn't talk nonsense. I went straight to the subject and said, "why did you oppose Fang Qing and Suluo together? Why don't you respect your daughter's opinions at all and force them to separate them? Do you think that the happiness of your daughter is more important than money?

With these words, I am not easy to suppress the mood of nearly collapse, tears do not listen to the rotation in the eyes, these words, really I want to shout out to her, in the past, I did not have any capital to speak up, I looked like a mole ant in front of her, but now, I have the confidence, I dare to face her, I dare to question her, because I don't think she's superior to me.

However, when mother Fang saw that I was talking to her in this manner, her expression was somewhat displeased. She asked with a straight face: "what are you talking about? It is precisely because I love her that she is not allowed to be with other people. If you don't understand the situation, don't be suspicious. I believe that in this world, no matter which parents are, they will not allow their daughter and Suluo That kind of people are together

After listening to these, my eyes were even redder, and my anger in my body was wantonly agitated. But I tried to suppress the Hu mood, and I tried to resist it. I tried to yell: "have you ever thought that it is because of your doting that Fang Qing is depressed all day, and she wants to kill herself in despair. Now it is free love. Everyone has the right to choose love, and Fang Qing also has it I don't understand. Since Fang Qing loves Suluo so much, it must be you who obstructed her when she broke up with Suluo, right? "

At this time, my voice has changed from hoarse to choking, my eyes, more and more red, tears continue to fall on the face, and mother Fang, after hearing my question, her face changed greatly, obviously, she is guilty of a thief.

However, after all, Jiang is still old and spicy. Mother Fang won't be so easy to show her true face. Soon, she settled down and turned passive into active. She was very dissatisfied with me and said, "this classmate, my family qinger has gone. How can you still keep chasing this matter? If you do this again, I will be rude to you.

What kind of person I am and how I discipline my children are all my personal matters, which can't be controlled by you. Please remember, this matter has been in the past for a long time, and I don't want to mention it any more. No matter how wrong I am, it's all our family affairs. It's not your turn to interrupt here as an outsider. I hope you can respect yourself

At the moment when her voice dropped, I couldn't bear the pressure in my heart. I tried my best to yell at Fang's mother: "you don't want to know why Fang Qing is like this, don't you want to know who I am, don't you still want to know the relationship between me and Fang Qingshi? I'll tell you now!"

For the next half an hour, I talked about what happened at night, and there was no corner left. Of course, I said more than that, but also included the sound we had with Fang Qing, including the things that happened after mother Fang appeared. I told her in detail. Her face turned pale and her body trembled involuntarily.

After hearing this, Fang's mother's expression was in a trance, and the strong woman's wind disappeared. She asked me in a trembling voice: "you, who are you, why do you know so much?"

I looked at her and yelled, "because I am Suluo!"

In a word, I told the grievances I suppressed in my heart for a long time. At this moment, I could finally say that I was Suluo without disguise, as if I was a proud thing for Suluo.

However, mother Fang's face immediately changed when she heard the word Suluo. She stepped back a few steps and was full of panic. It's hard for a strong woman who is good at packing herself to show such a look. But at this time, she was flustered. She opened her mouth and stammered: "what do you say? Are you solo

Obviously, she couldn't believe what I said. The weak and weak Suluo who used to be turned into a tall and handsome young master in a twinkling of an eye. Her eyes were filled with incredible, which was not surprising to her, because my changes in the past two years were really earth shaking, and no one could believe it.

When she was stunned, I walked forward two steps without expression. Standing in front of her, my tears had already stopped, my eyes were redder than before, but there was more anger in the eyes. I looked at her tightly, sonorous and forceful again and said, "yes, I am solo!"

Her face was expressionless, her voice was cold, and her words were full of complaints. People like mother Fang read countless people in her life, but she still didn't believe that I was Suluo, and she wanted to say something more. However, I had already said what I should have said. Believe it or not, I forced her to ask again: "do you know, Fang Qing died because of me. I admit that I owe her in my life, But her way is directly related to you as a mother. If you had agreed to have us together, this would not have happened. Fang Qing would not have left. It's you who caused all this! "

My words are full of blame, so I take the initiative. I want to be strong and say nothing to them. I don't want to let her mother think that I'm good at bullying Suluo because of my depression. I want her to live in the guilt of her counterpart. This is my purpose.Perhaps, because the death of Fang Qing hurt me too much. At this moment, I didn't regard her as Fang Qing's mother. I had no respect for her. Therefore, at this moment, I was extremely angry. My voice was extremely cold and my eyes were very fierce.

In the face of my strength, mother Fang's face can be said to be changing rapidly, she tangled for a long time, seems to believe my identity. And my words also made her silent. Maybe she saw my identity, or her conscience discovered. Her eyes even showed a guilty color. At last, she sighed softly and said to herself, "ah, it's me who caused Qing'er!"

I'm not such a cold-blooded person. I know I'm also the indirect person who killed Fang Qing. I'm sorry for her. If I hadn't tried my best to get rid of her, I wouldn't have said such unfeeling words. But now it's too late to say these things. So, I bowed solemnly to Fang's mother and father, and said, "uncle and aunt, I'm sorry for Qing'er Here I swear to Qing'er that I will avenge her! "

At this time, the silent father Fang opened his mouth and said, "my son, I don't blame you for this matter. Don't blame yourself. Don't talk about revenge. It's what the police should do! You are still a child, so don't make trouble. "

Father Fang's words let me have respect for him. If mother Fang is as sensible as he is, then Qing'er and I will not be here. It's a pity that we are so beautiful. But the second half of Fang's father's words made me very sad. It's obviously useless to report to the police. Chen Haoran, Han Boyang is also involved in this case. Moreover, his uncle is the number one person in the public security department, and he will certainly protect his short comings. So if you want revenge, you have to use unconventional means.

Fang's father's voice just fell, Fang's mother said again: "at the beginning, you and Qing'er's matter, it was really my hindrance, these have passed, I don't want to say again."

Since both of them didn't blame me, I was at ease, but I was still a revengeful person. I said again, "uncle and aunt, I will replace Qing'er to end your filial piety."

With that, mother Fang seemed to have said something, but I didn't hear it clearly because my body could no longer hold on, and my eyes were black and I was unconscious.

I woke up in a nightmare. The contents of the dream were all related to Fang Qing. I don't know how long I was in a coma. When I woke up, I learned that Fang Qing had been buried in the earth and buried in a place named Yushan in the south of the city. The news was reasonable.

It's a pity that I didn't even send my favorite, which made me more miserable. For three days in a row, I was lying like this. Ward, in these three days, I did not eat or drink, the whole person was haggard, vicissitudes, rationalization, every meal will be delivered to me on time, I was put aside without moving.

I don't have the heart to do anything, including eating, because I really have too many words in my heart. I want to talk to Fang Qing myself. I really want to let her hear what I say in my heart, but it's a pity that all these things have come to nothing. Chen Haoran's hatred I also put aside, wake up, I just like a puppet, always can't find their own soul, lock themselves in the ward all day.

After several days of continuous dripping, my body couldn't hold on again. This time, I was in a coma for about four days. After getting up, I felt like I was living in a dream and sometimes in reality. I was afraid to face everything and my life was back to the bottom again.

After I was discharged from hospital, I hid in my bedroom every day. Fortunately, I took care of my meals. Every time, I took a few hasty bites. I didn't answer the phone, wechat didn't return, and I didn't go to class. All the school affairs were given to reason, but I was sealed up.

However, on this day, Luo Ziyi came. When she entered the door, she still carried a heat preservation box in her hand and sat by my bed and said to me, "Zixuan, I heard that you haven't eaten anything seriously for several days. I'll give you something to eat!"

Her voice, I can hear, she is also anxious for me, but, for me now, no one to come, I quietly declined: "I can't eat!"

Luo Ziyi may have seen my mind and said again, "this is my mother's work!"

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