I didn't fight back, not because I was afraid of him, but because I knew that everything was my fault. I was sorry for Luo Ziyi. I lay on the ground and couldn't help showing a bitter smile. The sky was very bright on the top of my head, but I couldn't brush away the darkness in my heart. I was staring at the sky, but suddenly saw Bai Qiuyan's face. He came to me and looked at me from above "Ye Zixuan, this kind of words can be said by you TM. In vain, I respect you for being a man. You let me down!"

I really made him angry this time. Seeing him like this, I suddenly felt that he was so bright and dare to love and hate. Maybe, he was a real man. At this moment, I suddenly felt that I was so small. I felt that I was so ridiculous. People had love but couldn't get it. I could get it, but I couldn't protect him Come on, I feel more painful.

After that, he didn't do it again. However, I didn't want to spend time with him here. So, I suddenly stood up and patted the dust on my body. I said to Bai Qiuyan casually, "Luo Ziyi's business is really my fault. I apologize. I don't know if you are out of breath now. If it's over, I hope this will be over. In the future, we will It's different from each other! "

I don't care what Bai Qiuyan thinks, I hope this matter will stop, because I don't have the heart to face him now, my mind is not here at all, and my words are also the words from the bottom of my heart. But for Bai Qiuyan, maybe I don't respect him, so he is ready to teach me a lesson. At this time, he came with my brothers and ran quickly He called to me: "brother Xuan, we are late!"

Obviously, they must have heard that I was besieged by Bai Qiuyan, so they ran to save me. However, Bai Qiuyan didn't pay attention to these people at all. He gave them a scornful glance and cried, "get out of my way!"

Although they came to reason, I didn't have many surprises. I didn't want to make trouble. I just calmed down Luo Ziyi's affairs completely. I didn't care what other people thought of me. So, I directly ordered to reason: "you all step back, don't care about me, I'm fine!"

I immediately glared at him for what he wanted to say after reasoning. I didn't say anything more. With a few brothers, I stepped aside.

I patted the dust on my body and continued to say to Bai Qiuyan: "what do you want? I'll follow it!"

Originally, Bai Qiuyan was angry. Now, he may feel that what I said is provocative to him. So, without saying a word, he called me again and kicked me to the ground again. Then, he waved his hand directly to the people behind him and said, "do it, give me a hard lesson to him!"

Immediately, countless fists and feet rained on me, but I didn't feel any pain at all. On the contrary, the harder they fought, the better I felt.

Several of them felt sorry for me when they saw me being beaten. However, they were very reasonable. He listened to my words very much and didn't come up to stop me. None of the crowd around the scene dared to stop me. They were just very strange. I was in a down and out situation. I was No. 1 in the school. I also had a shocking force. I could face the beating of Bai Qiuyan If you don't fight back, you'll have to fight yourself, which makes the audience look puzzled.

But I was just enjoying this vicious fight. Those fists seemed to be a relief to my heart. Just when those people were fighting hard, a sudden female voice sounded out of thin air: "stop it!"

This voice, in an instant, let Bai Qiuyan's people stop, they all turn their heads, like the direction of the voice to see, and the person squeezed out of the crowd is Luo Ziyi.

As soon as she came, she glanced at me lying on the ground with a little heartache in her eyes. Then, she turned her head and looked at Bai Qiuyan. Her eyes immediately changed from heartache to anger. She angrily went to Bai Qiuyan and scolded her: "Bai Qiuyan, didn't I tell you, don't you ask Ye Zixuan for trouble?"

Bai Qiuyan was also a famous figure in the school. When he was reprimanded in front of so many people, his face was hard to avoid. What's more, he couldn't vent his anger at me by dividing them into three parts. Because I hurt his favorite person physically and mentally, he thought I was upset. Therefore, he immediately retorted: "I didn't want to hit him, but he did There is no sign of repentance, he asked for it

Obviously, Bai Qiuyan hit me for Luo Ziyi, but Luo Ziyi didn't appreciate it, because she was still leaning towards me in her heart. Therefore, she continued to be dissatisfied and said, "I don't need to worry about him and me. Besides, she didn't do me any harm. Please don't bother Ye Zixuan in the future, OK?"

Although Luo Ziyi's tone was not very friendly at the beginning, she said the last sentence with the flavor of praying. Obviously, she didn't want to see Bai Qiuyan and I make a conflict.

Bai Qiuyan was so said by Luo Ziyi, her face was even more unable to hang, and it was difficult to get off. At this time, I had already climbed up from the ground, walked to them, and interposed: "you don't have to say anything. Everything is my fault. It's my fault. It's not related to Bai Qiuyan. You don't have to quarrel. Let others see jokes. If it's not I'll leave first. I haven't eaten yetFinish saying, I took care of myself to leave, just walked out not far, Luo Ziyi caught up with me and said with concern: "Zixuan, I'm sorry, it's because of me that I hurt you. Don't worry, I'll talk to Bai Qiuyan well when I go back, so that he won't trouble you in the future."

If Luo Ziyi can be merciless to me, I may feel better. But the more she is, the more guilty I feel for her, the more miserable I feel that I can't let her go. I look back and look at Luo Ziyi and sincerely say, "it's OK, Ziyi. It's my fault. Don't care. Bai Qiuyan is a good person!"

Luo Ziyi and I finished these words, I didn't care what her expression was, and did not wait for her to make any response, so I stepped forward again and left alone.

Later, reasoning also came after me and asked me if I should do something. I didn't respond, so I sent him away, and then accelerated my own pace. At this time, I had no idea of eating, so I went back to my bedroom. To be honest, Bai Qiuyan's beating, I am willing to bear, because I know, this is my mistake, he did, but my heart also lightened a little burden, my heart is much more relaxed than before.

But, Luo Ziyi's sudden appearance, I still feel a little uncomfortable, I really did not think that this girl, is so infatuated, still cares about me, cares about me, for me to give me the rescue, even does not hesitate to let Bai Qiuyan face down.

Originally, the person in Luo Ziyi's heart is still me, and there is no Bai Qiuyan's position at all. Therefore, although I am reluctant to say the last words, I have to say, because Bai Qiuyan is really good. I hope Luo Ziyi can find such a good home instead of thinking about me. I do not deserve to be with her, Fang Qing's shadow has been wandering in my heart, I was afraid, in order to protect her, I am willing to lose her.

However, I am really willing to do so, can I really put it down? Although others do not know my identity, I still want to abide by the principle. Fang Qinggang left, I got involved with other women, which is so unfair to her who has left. I can't do this, and I don't want to bear the name of a heartless man.

As soon as I got back to my bedroom, my cell phone rang. I picked it up and saw that it was my father calling. I suddenly remembered that I had not called my father for such a long time. I was also irresponsible as a son. I immediately picked up the phone, and my father's kind voice came from the other end of the phone: "son, I heard about you. Don't worry about it. Go ahead and do it If you can't get along with what you want to do, come back. I won't interfere with your decision. Remember, Dad can't help you, but it's your strongest support! "

It seems that my father knew my recent situation. He didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the topic. Although he didn't have lofty words, he told me what I wanted. I was moved. My father really broke the dream man and calmed my restless heart. It seems that some people have something to do. It's time to make a happy decision. My father's words let me have no worries. He is still People who know me.

My father knew about me, but I didn't think about how he knew it, because I knew that my father would not harm me. After listening to my father's words, I gently replied, "Dad, I know how to do it. Don't worry. Your son, I'll make a way, and I won't come back to you in disgrace

After listening to my answer, my father didn't say anything more. After that, we talked for a while and said some greetings. The short conversation ended hastily. Although there was nothing to talk about, my father let me know a truth, that is, don't do something that you regret.

After counting the time, I haven't seen my father for more than two years. The time abroad is a simple phone call. After returning home, I didn't go back. Instead, I went back to the place where I fell down and changed my identity to get myself up again.

I am also very ashamed that my father took the initiative to call me. It seems that after this summer vacation, I should go back to see him. After all, the only family members around me are myself. Later, I called Uncle yang to say hello. Because in this world, only my father and uncle Yang are the people who are really good to me from the bottom of their hearts.

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