The atmosphere was silent for a long time, and the three of us sat back to their original positions. In the following time, mother Luo told me a lot about Luo Ziyi's past, and she was very involved.

It turns out that Luo Ziyi's temperament is also very lonely. Like me before, she has no friends and seldom communicates with others. The only person who can say something in her heart is her mother. It's not that Luo Ziyi doesn't want to make friends, it's because the boys who make friends with her have other purposes, and most of the girls who don't play with her are jealous of her beauty. Unfortunately, beauty is also a mistake 。

But when I was with me, Luo Ziyi's smile on her face was obviously more, and her people were much more cheerful than before. Therefore, mother Luo especially wanted to give her to me. In addition to valuing me, she also looked at me and Luo Ziyi. She assured me that Ziyi's life-long happiness was in my hands, because she felt that I was a person to rely on, so she believed in her own Vision.

Since Luo's mother took a fancy to me and got her full support, I couldn't let her down. In this way, we talked until four o'clock in the afternoon, and then mother Luo stopped. She gave me and Luo Ziyi a separate time to force us to go out and play. She cleaned up the housework.

No way, we had to agree, bid farewell to mother Luo, I will Luo Ziyi out of the house, downstairs, walk on the road to the community, Luo Ziyi and I sincerely said: "thank you

And I was in front of her, solemnly said to her: "Ziyi, I apologize for what I did before, I'm sorry!"

Luo Ziyi laughed and replied softly, "ah, all the past things are saying that we are not very good now."

After listening to her words, I was very pleased, so I sincerely said to her again: "Ziyi, I like you, can we be together, not in front of aunt perfunctory, but really together, let me take care of you?"

My words, I think for a long time before sitting down, like a person, should hold her in my arms, I said every word is from the heart, I do not care how Luo Ziyi in her heart, whether or not I still feel, these words I will say, because, as my father said, don't do things that you regret.

Listen to my words, Luo Ziyi shriveled mouth, and then, she put her hands on her back and went straight ahead. I couldn't help but follow up. Looking at her who ignored me, I couldn't help asking again: "Ziyi, please believe me, I'm serious, because I know that I can't live without you in my life."

Suddenly, Xuanli said to me, "listen to me, stand still and smile!"

Luo Ziyi did not immediately agree to me, nor directly refused me. It seems that I still have a play. Since this is the case, I can't force it, just let it be. So, I slowly replied, "OK, I know, Ziyi!"

Unconsciously, we went to the street, at this time, Luo Ziyi suddenly looked at me, whispered: "I'll send you here, I should also go back!"

"Ziyi, I don't know today is your birthday. Since today has not passed, I will take you to play and have a perfect birthday with you."

Luo Ziyi unconsciously lowered her head and said shyly, "this is not very good."

I know that there is always a knot in Luo Ziyi's heart. For me, she also wants to think about it, so that we can leave some space in our hearts. If we say that before that event, maybe she can decisively accept me, but now it is different. I also understand her thinking.

But I don't care at all, so I said directly: "what do you say, don't you celebrate your birthday with me? Although we are not lovers, are we even friends now?"? Besides, you just came out with me, and now you go back, what will your mother think? Do you want to make her unhappy

So I directly moved Luo's mother out. It seems that only she can let Luo Ziyi do anything willingly. After listening to me, Luo Ziyi said to me in a joking manner: "good, ye Zixuan, you used my mother to oppress me directly. However, I promise you!"

After that, we stopped a taxi on the side of the road and left her home. In half an hour, I took Luo Ziyi to the center of the city. My purpose now is to make her happy and have a full birthday.

At first, I took Luo Ziyi, who had never been to the amusement park, to have a good time in the amusement park. There were all kinds of sounds on the ferris wheel, the shouts in the ghost house, and the laughter on the carousel. Our goddess Rhoda will also have such a pure side, the breath of youth in her body completely exposed. No matter where she is, she is so beautiful and moving, and many tourists are deeply fascinated by her.

In this happy process, Luo Ziyi and I put aside all the troubles and immersed ourselves in the play. Until all the things were played once, we left the amusement park.

After that, I took her around and helped her pick out some new clothes. However, the introverted Luo Ziyi didn't want to accept them. However, she still couldn't resist me. I said that it should be a birthday gift for her, which made Luo Ziyi accept it reluctantly.After shopping, I took Luo Ziyi to experience all kinds of food. As her boyfriend, I did some things between lovers with her. As long as she liked it, I tried my best to satisfy her, because I knew that such an opportunity might not be available in the future.

Until very late, we watched a romantic movie in the middle of the night, and today's trip was over. I also had an unforgettable birthday for her. I can see that today's Luo Ziyi is happy from the heart, because this afternoon, her face is always hung with a rotten smile.

Only, after happiness, will usher in sadness, when I sent her downstairs, Luo Ziyi's face just emerged the light sadness and not give up.

And I, will bury the emotion, to her sincere blessing way: "Ziyi, happy birthday!"

With that, I immediately turned around and left alone.

When I left, Mu Shihan didn't say anything, but I saw her eyes red. I knew that she didn't dare to speak. She must be afraid that I would hear her choking voice. She continued to pretend to be strong.

But when I was about to disappear in front of Luo Ziyi, she yelled at my back: "Ye Zixuan!"

When I heard Luo Ziyi's voice, I didn't stop myself. Then I turned my head and saw her standing still under the moon. She sobbed. Her cry made my heart hurt. I couldn't help but feel sad. I couldn't help but feel sad in my heart, which made my nose sour. I went straight back.

I quickly returned to her side, standing in front of her, I stretched out my hand to dry the tears on her face. At this time, Luo Ziyi jumped up and hugged me tightly, and said, "Ye Zixuan, I, I promise you!"

What, she said she promised me, I did not hear it wrong, so I deliberately joked: "purple, what do you say, I did not hear?"

Heard me say so, Luo Ziyi immediately put his head into my arms, meow said: "you hate, I ignore you!"

I didn't expect that Luo Ziyi, who has always been strong, has such a small woman's side. This really surprised me. But then I said, "OK, OK, Ziyi, I was wrong. I heard all of them. If you don't cry, you won't be beautiful if you cry again!"

We embrace each other in the moonlight, this moment does not mention how happy, originally, the happiest thing in the world is to be with the people you love most, not to seek wealth, but to eat and wear warm clothes. A plain life.

After a while, we separated, I said to Luo Ziyi faintly: "Ziyi, it's already very late, you go up and have a rest quickly, so as not to let aunt worry!"

At this time, Luo Ziyi had a good aftertaste from happiness, and quickly replied, "yes, it's really late, so I'll go up first!"

Said, then went upstairs, in her two steps, I suddenly took her, again put her in my arms, accurate mouth to mouth kiss together, this moment, our bodies are like electric shock, time seems to be in this second.

After a burst of fierce kisses, we separated. Luo Ziyi's face was scarlet. I might realize that this was her first kiss. After all, it's normal for a girl like Luo Ziyi to have her first kiss. I realized what I did. Then I said to Luo Ziyi slowly: "Ziyi, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be like this!"

At this time, Luo Ziyi didn't answer my words, but ran upstairs quickly. I suddenly lost myself and thought of myself. My rude behavior made her angry. It seems that the love I just got will be lost again.

When I was remorseful, she had entered the unit building, and her voice came out: "Ye Zixuan, I love you!"

It seems that I think too much, Ziyi she is not angry, I can also relax, because the time is too late, I can't go back to the bedroom, so I casually find a hotel nearby to stay, this night, I lost sleep, the whole person is silent in happiness.

The next day, I came back alone and didn't pick up Luo Ziyi, because I just wanted to have a low-key love affair. This was also what Luo Ziyi sent me in a text message last night. It was also her wish. I followed her words unconditionally.

It's true that there are so many red people and many wrong people. When I first entered the school, Bai Qiuyan appeared not far away from the front. I realized at this time that there was trouble

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