Obviously, Luo Ziyi knew that I was perfunctory to her and understood that I was saying this to reassure her. At this time, Luo Ziyi's face became firm. She seemed to have made up her mind. She looked at me firmly and said solemnly, "Zixuan, I know what you mean. In fact, this is an unfair competition. Let alone Bai Qiuyan's life experience, he is at school after all It's been nearly four years, and the status and fame are all there. How long have you been in school? What are you fighting against him? So, what I want to say is, I can help you! "

Luo Ziyi's words directly pointed to the point. Indeed, if you give me a little more time, I believe that my fame will definitely surpass Bai Qiuyan. However, after all, my time of coming to school is too short, and my influence has not been consolidated. Therefore, Bai Qiuyan doesn't pay attention to me at all. For him, I am a man who has a lot of brute force but can't use it.

But I don't believe in my life. Even though I know that this battle will surely be defeated, I will try my best to do it without regret. When I didn't have anything, I dared to fight Chen Haoran alone. Now I dare to do the same thing.

Thinking of this, I immediately opened my mouth and was about to refuse, but Luo Ziyi didn't give me the chance to refuse at all. She directly took a small note and handed it to me, and said, "this is Sun Tao's phone number. I have already made an agreement with him before. You can contact him directly then, and he will help you!"

I know that Sun Tao is also a senior. He is very strange. When he was a freshman, he was a fierce man. He could be said to be a madman. He fought more fiercely than Chen Haoran. He also had his own power. But I don't know why. In his sophomore year, he suddenly sank, and the whole person kept a low profile. Since then, he has never had a fight again. He has been serious I'm reading.

However, even in this way, no one in the school dared to provoke him, because everyone knew that he was cruel. Even Du Yuhang, who was in the ascendant at that time, only next to Bai Qiuyan, did not dare to provoke him easily. It can be said that if Sun Tao is willing to help me, then I will be like a tiger with wings, and my power will certainly increase greatly. At least, he can help me balance Du Yuhang's power.

Because Du Yuhang has already indicated that he wants to help Bai Qiuyan deal with me. Du Yuhang has a festival with me. This is a great opportunity to eradicate me. He can't let it go. Since he has participated, Jiang Wuji, as his cousin, will also help Bai Qiuyan.

So, if I had Sun Tao's help, my chances of winning would have increased a lot. But why can Luo Ziyi find such a person who doesn't care about the world to help me?

In a flash, I can't help but come up with a bad scene in my mind. I gently took over the phone number in Ziyi's hand and asked in doubt: "Ziyi, why would he help me?"

When I said this, my heart suddenly sprouted a burst of jealousy, my heart suddenly felt sour. Luo Ziyi estimated that he also saw my embarrassment and quickly explained to me: "Zixuan, I have nothing to do with him, just because Sun Tao has secretly pursued me before. However, due to Bai Qiuyan's dignity, he did not make it public. Of course, I also refused him. At that time, he told me that if I had anything to do with him, he would try his best to help me I went to him the next time, that's all

Luo Ziyi explained very clearly, but my heart still felt very uncomfortable. I really don't know how can I help Luo Ziyi like this. As an independent and strong girl like her, she will not ask others for help unless she has to. What a difficult thing for her, but she still is Did, and still for me.

To tell you the truth, at this moment, I was both moved and oppressed. However, I understood that Luo Ziyi did it in order not to let me leave. She had put down her self-esteem and helped me to dredge up the relationship. If I refused this kind offer, it would not only hurt her heart, but also let her do something to make her lose face in vain. So, I tightly held the note in my hand and held it in a hurry Under her, the expression in slightly excited said: "thank you, Ziyi!"

Luo Ziyi slightly cocked up the corner of his mouth and showed a bewitching smile. He said softly to me, "what are you doing with me? It's just a piece of work. However, Sun Tao also said that even if he stands on your side, your chances of winning are not great. He said that he can only try his best to help you, and can not guarantee that you will win. Therefore, Zixuan, you should not have too much hope for him That's all I can do for you

My eyes with gratitude said: "I know, purple, you believe me good!"

Luo Ziyi replied: "I always believe you, come on, ye Zixuan, you are the best! Well, let's not talk about it. I have to go ahead. "

Finish, did not wait for me to reply, Luo Ziyi left, her back is very haggard, I know, she does not want me to lose, just make such a thing, and I, or gladly accept her heart, in the final analysis, or I am too weak, always want to let others worry about me, I am really helpless, this from the love of kindness, I must grasp, because I really I can't lose, in that case, I will be my favorite people's expectations of me, my life will also be a total failure.

In order not to let Luo Ziyi disappointed, I couldn't help shouting at her far away back: "Ziyi, don't worry, for you, I will win!"Some things can't be done if you say it verbally. I told Luo Ziyi that I would win, but would I really win? But no matter what, I will try my best. I know the chance is very small, but I will try my best.

After that, I made an appointment with Sun Tao according to the number on the phone. He promised that he would try his best to help me. In the short conversation with him, I probably knew him a little. Indeed, he was really extraordinary. Although he was silent for a long time, his personal power and prestige were still there, and those brothers who followed him were still determined. Moreover, he knew Bai Qiuyan better than me, so he gave me a serious analysis of the former overlord Bai Qiuyan, and also estimated the real strength of Bai Qiuyan.

After talking with Sun Tao, I found that my hope of victory has become more and more dim. In the end, we negotiated that if we want to win, we have to close down the junior. Everyone knows that junior is Chen Haoran's world. Even if Chen Haoran disappeared because of his crime, his brothers could not submit to me, especially those with him With his muscle men, it's impossible to fight with me. I can't recover them. Therefore, this battle is really difficult to fight.

In the following time, I was still trying to attract people, while Bai Qiuyan had a low-key class every day. He had no preparation at all for this matter. For him, it was just a small matter. He didn't care at all. In other words, he had already won the victory and didn't need to prepare in vain. Compared with him, I'm really nothing, but even so, I can't give up easily, because I don't have the word "fear" in my dictionary.

On the night before the war, I did everything I could and everyone I could find. But in the end, compared with Bai Qiuyan, there was still a big gap. Because none of the remaining forces in my sophomores and juniors were willing to help me, I did my best. Therefore, even if I lost tomorrow, I would have no regrets, but my heart would be cold at the thought of the consequences of losing So, this evening, instead of staying at school, I went to a big bar in the city center to drink.

I think the noise of the bar can counteract my inner sadness, and alcohol should also paralyze my central nervous system. But the fact is, it doesn't help. Even though the crowd is busy, the music is booming and the lights are flashing, it can't eliminate the sadness in my heart.

I keep thinking about tomorrow's war, keep looking for the corresponding countermeasures, keep telling myself, in any case to win. In order to win, I even wanted to go to Shen Muchen. However, this idea was quickly wiped out by me. After coming back for so long, I didn't look for him. When I needed help, I went to him. Even if he would help me, I was embarrassed to accept it.

What's more, my current identity has not been disclosed in the school. Even if someone knows it, it's still a temporary doubt. Once Shen Muchen really comes to help, I'm afraid that my identity will no longer be covered up, and I'm afraid that the morale of the army will collapse.

Even this doesn't work. I really can't do anything about it. I feel that even if I have a thousand kinds of lofty sentiments, I can't resist the devastation of reality. I want to show my blood and lead my brothers to die Xue Jinwei, but my reason has suppressed this kind of wish cruelly, because I know deeply that there is a big gap between me and Xue Jinwei There's no chance of winning.

I really dare not think, if I lose, what will I do? Is it not to be beaten back to the original shape, get out of school, leave luoziyi, leave the city, return to the weak and cowardly I, thinking of this, I shook my head heavily, I dare not think down, I am afraid that I will become nothing after tomorrow, but what should I do at the end of the day.

I dried the wine in the glass, and then, one cup after another, kept drinking, as if at this moment, only by drinking hard, can I reduce the mood in my heart and temporarily forget the things of tomorrow.

I didn't know how much wine I had drunk, but now people have begun to be confused. Just when I filled my glass again, I was about to pick up the glass. Suddenly, a woman sat beside me, reached out and drank the wine I had just filled.

I looked up in a daze and found that this woman was my big enemy, little sister

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