Bai Qiuyan's voice has begun to gradually weaken. Now he is so backbone. I know his heart at the moment. He treats himself like this and really wants to save Luo Ziyi. My admiration for him can't be compared with words. Seeing Bai Qiuyan's appearance, my heart has been deeply shocked. Suddenly, I feel that Bai Qiuyan's image is so Kaohsiung Wei, this is the real man.

But Bai Qiuyan has been hoodwinked by hatred. He has no conscience at all. Bai Qiuyan is like this, but he still feels that it is not enough. The weird smile becomes more rampant. While smiling, he says excitedly: "it's far from enough, continue, continue!"

In Sun Tao's opinion, it seems that the more cruel Bai Qiuyan hurt himself, the more happy and amused he felt. However, Bai Qiuyan was not afraid of death. After listening to Sun Tao's words, he immediately pulled out the dagger covered with his blood, and then without hesitation stabbed his stomach again.

This time, I couldn't help it any more. I rushed forward quickly, grabbed Bai Qiuyan's hand, and stopped yelling: "enough, hurry TM to stop!"

Xue Jinwei didn't drink me back like Uncle Tai. He turned his head slightly, looked at me gripping his teeth and said, "I just want to save Ziyi. I can't hurt her because of my family affairs. Do you understand? Ye Zixuan

Look at him like this, my eyes are wet unconsciously, save Luo Ziyi? Why don't I want to save Luo Ziyi? If it wasn't for Ziyi, I would have killed that son of a bitch. But because she was holding Luo Ziyi, I didn't dare to act rashly, because I didn't want Fang Qing's event to repeat before my eyes.

I'm trying to calm down and talk to Sun Tao slowly. But seeing what Sun Tao has done, I think we have no chance to negotiate at all. His father and mother have died, and his heart has been completely distorted. He has made up his mind to play us dead. It is because he is alone now that we can not threaten him with the safety of his family, we can only let him at his mercy How can we go on like this?

Thinking of this, I immediately said to Bai Qiuyan anxiously: "the reason why I didn't act rashly is because Ziyi. I also want to save her, but it's not your salvation. What are you doing here? Do you think that the pervert will let Luo Ziyi go? Of course not, because his purpose is to kill you.

Bai Qiuyan, you should open your eyes to see Sun Tao's appearance. You should know that I may have been tarnished by him. You also know, with Ziyi's temperament, if there is no innocence, she will live? Is it really useful for you to injure yourself here? Besides, you will be killed by him. If you really die, even if we rescue Ziyi safely, do you think she can live well? Bai Qiuyan

Bai Qiuyan has always been strong enough to support his weak legs. His body has been extremely weak, but after listening to my words, his face suddenly changed, and the whole person was completely soft. He was almost unable to stand and fall down. Uncle Tai was quick in his eyes and quickly dragged Bai Qiuyan, so that he did not fall down. He said in great pain: "it's all I have done to Ziyi! ”

that voice sounds heartrending, especially sad. Maybe after listening to my words, Bai Qiuyan has been desperate to the extreme. Although I have the worst plan for this matter, even if I am in pain and anger, I must keep my last bit of reason. Although I told Bai Qiuyan that Luo Ziyi could not be saved, my heart still held the last hope that Luo Ziyi would be OK.

If Sun Tao had no conscience, then Bai Qiuyan would be killed by him, Luo Ziyi will not be safe, but if Sun Tao still has a trace of rationality, then Luo Ziyi will have the possibility of safety. Therefore, I have to bet. Since there is no chips to threaten Sun Tao, now there is only one way to run over and control him.

I clenched my teeth, quickly bent up and picked up Bai Qiuyan's knife from the ground. After staring at Bai Qiuyan tightly, I said, "I can't stand it. We can't let Sun Tao fool him any more. Now, I'm going to kill him!"

After that, I didn't wait for Bai Qiuyan to reply and clench his machete. At the moment when I rushed to him, I had already ignored my life and death. No matter whether he set a trap or ambush here, I only know that I can't watch Sun Tao continue to fool people. Whenever I see his strange face, I will unconsciously think of the picture that he defiled Luo Ziyi, and the anger in my heart can no longer be controlled.

However, to my surprise, I rushed all the way to Sun Tao, but there was no one around to stop me. I didn't care too much. I raised my knife and was ready to cut him off. Sun Tao was still surprisingly calm about my move. Seeing my knife rising, he showed a ironic smile and said: "Ye Zixuan, today is me and me Bai Qiuyan's personal gratitude and resentment, if you really intervene and kill the innocent Luo Ziyi, it's all your fault! "

As soon as his voice dropped, my knife was in the air. This guy was really well prepared. He grasped every one of us. He knew very well that I came here for Luo Ziyi. If Luo Ziyi died because of my impulse, I would not be able to resist this crime.Thinking of this, I really admire Bai Qiuyan. His spirit makes me moved. I really don't want to see him in such a mess. I don't want him to be played like this by Sun Tao. I don't want him to die in front of me. I can't stand by in cold eyes. If I cut down like this, Luo Ziyi's life may be buried in my hands.

After several times of entanglement, I finally resisted. Slowly, I dropped the knife and put it on Sun Tao's neck. Then, I gritted my teeth and roared: "as long as you hand in Ziyi, I can guarantee that you can leave safely today, OK?"

I want to save Luo Ziyi and protect Bai Qiuyan. But after listening to my words, Sun Tao said playfully, "Ye Zixuan, are you stupid? I now tell you clearly, I spent a long time thinking is to play dead white autumn Yan, you now call me to stop, ha ha, think more!

Oh, by the way, to tell you the truth, your Luo Ziyi is safe and sound now. When I die playing Bai Qiuyan, it will naturally return Luo Ziyi to you. Of course, if you want to block it sincerely, then I can't guarantee her safety. So, it's none of your business here now. Let's go

His words are not worth beating, his tone is still very arrogant, see his ugly face, I really want to break him up. My eyes couldn't help looking at the room Sun Tao had gone out of. Unconsciously, my mind once again showed the embarrassed appearance of Luo Ziyi being humiliated. After listening to his words, I was more angry.

It doesn't matter what I mean. You TMD kidnapped my girlfriend and threatened others with her, but now it's nothing to do with me. What's wrong with TM. What's more, people like him have completely lost their credit. I can't tell the truth from the false without saying a word from him. How can you believe that Luo Ziyi is really safe and sound?

Is he taking me as a three-year-old child? His anger gushed out uncontrollably. My hands holding the handle of the knife trembled, and I almost had the impulse to chop off Sun Tao's head. But the reason told me desperately that maybe there was a man standing in that room, who was also holding Luo Ziyi with a knife. Once I cut Sun Tao in my hand, Luo Ziyi's life would be the same Maybe not.

Thinking of this, I immediately suppressed the anger that was about to gush out. I opened my mouth to Sun Tao with a trembling voice and said, "well, you can bring me Luo Ziyi first. If I really see that she is OK, then I will take the initiative to withdraw and guarantee that I will not be involved in it."

When I said this, I was so expecting Sun Tao to listen to my opinion, expecting Sun Tao's people to bring Luo Ziyi out to me safely and completely from the room where I prayed, but it was only my fantasy after all. Sun Tao did not hesitate to reply: "you are not qualified to discuss conditions with me!"

The expectation in my heart was split in an instant, and he refused to let us see it. This shows that Ziyi has really had an accident. Now, I have no reason to speak of, and my anger swept directly. I raised my foot and kicked Sun Tao hard. As he retreated, I slashed him with a knife. But at this moment, Bai Qiuyan, who was seriously injured, suddenly yelled at me: "Ye Zixuan, stop it!"

Although his voice was weak, his voice was still full of courage, which made me stop for a moment. However, although I restrained my strength, my blade still fell on Sun Tao's left shoulder. Sun Tao immediately felt pain and clenched his teeth. He was stunned and did not call out his voice. It seems that this guy is also a tough guy. It's just that his smile has become more disgusting.

At this time, the injured Bai Qiuyan, with the help of Uncle Tai, came to me with difficulty and said seriously to me: "Ye Zixuan, today's affairs have nothing to do with you, I hope you don't participate in it!"

Bai Qiuyan's expression was very serious and his tone was beyond doubt. He did not give me the chance to refute. He grabbed my hand and took my knife away from Sun Tao's shoulder. Then, he said to Sun Tao again: "Sun Tao, is it my life? Can I change Ziyi's life? If I can, I'd like to exchange it!"

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